Begin with the prayer below, then go to the prayer for the day.
God of wisdom and mercy, grant us patience to listen; compassion to be open to other views and opinions; generosity to forgive and grace to change. As you taught us to love our dear neighbor, we pray that you give us strength to be healing instruments of unity and reconciliation.
Day 71: Sunday, July 16
God of creation, restore those hurt by heat and flooding. Show me how to adapt my life to disrupt climate change. Multiply this over time and across populations so we may collectively care for our common home and each other.
Day 72: Monday, July 17
Today I pray for equitable opportunities in education and the workforce. Empower us with the tools for a level playing field that create fairness and diversity in a united society.
Day 73: Tuesday, July 18
God of wisdom, guide me to effective solutions that break the conditions causing poverty, ignorance, suffering, and oppression. Connect me with people who are actively solving problems to help my sisters and brothers.
Day 74: Wednesday, July 19
Today I pray that younger members of our society may find fair wages and an affordable path to a home and other necessities. Fill us with a bold generosity for the common good that disrupts obstacles like profiteering and nimbyism.
Day 75: Thursday, July 20
Loving God, help me build bridges to heal the polarization plaguing our politics. Grant me humility, grace, and courage to un-plant my feet from my side and to venture onto the bridge to greet my brothers and sisters with love.
Day 76: Friday, July 21
Compassionate God, I pray to remember our brothers and sisters who live at
the edges of our society that we call “the margins.” Lead me to active problem-solving
that includes those who are excluded.
Day 77: Saturday, July 22
God of peace, You can bring an end to the war in Ukraine and other conflicts. I pray for transformed hearts of those commanding war machines to abandon their efforts in attacking their brothers and sisters. Reveal a way to peace.
Option to Take Action
Urge your Representative to ban assault weapons and expand background checks.
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