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100 Days of Prayer (s17): Days 50-56

Begin with the prayer below, then go to the prayer for the day.

God of wisdom and mercy, grant us patience to listen; compassion to be open to other views and opinions; generosity to forgive and grace to change. As you taught us to love our dear neighbor, we pray that you give us strength to be healing instruments of unity and reconciliation.

Day 50: Sunday, June 25

God of love, help me overcome times when I unfairly judge my neighbors. Help me recall there are deeper personal stories rather than oversimplified stereotypes. Imprint my consciousness that there is no “them”, there is only “us.”

Day 51: Monday, June 26

Today I pray for the ability to look deeper into the circumstances of brothers and sisters seeking asylum at our borders. Lead me to know one person reaching for help, teach me how to welcome them, and reveal a solution.

Day 52: Tuesday, June 27

Creator God, assist my resolve in the care of our common home and one another. Lead me to adopt one practice that will protect one of our shared, precious resources like water, air or soil. Then, lead me to the next change.

Day 53: Wednesday, June 28

Today I pray for an end to the political distraction tactics of false equivalencies and whataboutism that continuously pushes us apart from one another. Guide us to focus on real issues addressed through civil dialogue and compromise.

Day 54: Thursday, June 29

Just God, reveal to me the stories of my brothers and sisters who are unfairly treated in the U.S. criminal justice system. Teach me how to be an advocate for equitable treatment and how to break patterns of systemic racism.

Day 55: Friday, June 30

Today I pray for brothers and sisters who, for any reason, do not have a home. Show me how I can play a role in a person finding a safe and affordable place to live. Remove barriers to needed action steps. Change my apathy to passion.

Day 56: Saturday, July 1

God of wisdom, shine a light on places creating racial biases that separate us from one another. Give me courage to unravel systemic racism wherever I encounter it. Enable me to articulate and act toward meaningful change.

Option to Take Action

Take action to expand healthcare access for DACA Recipients.

Click here to learn more


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