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100 Days of Prayer (s17): Days 36-42

Begin with the prayer below, then go to the prayer for the day.

God of wisdom and mercy, grant us patience to listen; compassion to be open to other views and opinions; generosity to forgive and grace to change. As you taught us to love our dear neighbor, we pray that you give us strength to be healing instruments of unity and reconciliation.

Day 36: Sunday, June 11

Unifying God, I pray for a diverse democracy in our nation that respects equality and honors representation regardless of race, skin color, religious background, and language we speak.

Day 37 : Monday, June 12

I pray for all victims of gun violence. Lead me to take action to pass common- sense laws and implement policies. I pray for the safety of communities threatened by preventable gun violence.

Day 38: Tuesday, June 13

God of Mercy, I pray for food-insecure families in our communities and worldwide. May they find support in their communities and local leaders. I pray their needs are heard.

Day 39: Wednesday, June 14

Compassionate God, open my eyes to see what brings us together and remove any veils of Today I pray for all organizers and advocates working behind the scenes who guide and empower those most vulnerable among us. I pray they find hope in prayer, find time to re-energize, and enjoy opportunities for self-care.

Day 40: Thursday, June 15

God of Creation, enlighten corporate leaders on the environmental impact of plastic in their supply chains. Inspire them to work with advocates and find sustainable solutions to protect Your creation.

Day 41: Friday, June 16

Today I pray for all our migrant brothers and sisters who are at a standstill on their journey, feeling exhausted and hopeless. Loving God, guide them through a path of courage and faith.

Day 42: Saturday, June 17

Unifying God, I pray for all the victims of war around the world. I especially pray for the mothers who anguish over the loss of their children. Protect them and embrace them with love and hope.

Option to Take Action

Demand that corporations take responsibility for the plastic pollution crisis.

Click here to learn more


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