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100 Days of Prayer (s18): Days 29-35

Begin with the prayer below, then go to the prayer for the day.

God of wisdom and mercy, grant us patience to listen; compassion to be open to other views and opinions; generosity to forgive and grace to change. As you taught us to love our dear neighbor, we pray that you give us strength to be healing instruments of unity and reconciliation.

Day 29: Sunday, October 1

God of hope, I pray you guide me to be present and respond to the struggles of all workers. May their wages be just, working conditions be safe and their dignity be respected.

Day 30: Monday, October 2

I pray You lead my heart towards inclusive love and help me turn away from judgment or discrimination. May Your healing love lead me to seek dialogue and understanding when resolving any differences I may encounter.

Day 31: Tuesday, October 3

Compassionate God, I pray You lead me act to protect Your creation. Grant that I will seek to act in support of future generations. I pray You will inspire me to stand up against corporations that disregard our common home.

Day 32: Wednesday, October 4

Today I pray that I follow St. Francis’ ways as I try to become an instrument of peace within my community. Guide me with faith when doubt arises and fill me with hope when despair disrupts my peace.

Day 33: Thursday, October 5

God of dignity, I pray for the dear neighbor who is oppressed, persecuted or trying to survive violence and war. May they be freed from suffering and filled with hope and healing.

Day 34: Friday, October 6

Today I pray for respect of all peoples worldwide. Inspire world leaders to consider the marginalized when introducing new policies or legislation. May people of all cultures and traditions be invited to dialogue.

Day 35: Saturday, October 7

Healing God, I pray for all the people who suffer from hunger or starvation, especially children. May they be given access to ample, nutritious food. May the issues that obstruct access to food be resolved.

Option to Take Action

Urge Congress to address climate change’s impact on our global family.

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