Begin with the prayer below, then go to the prayer for the day.
God of wisdom and mercy, grant us patience to listen; compassion to be open to other views and opinions; generosity to forgive and grace to change. As you taught us to love our dear neighbor, we pray that you give us strength to be healing instruments of unity and reconciliation.
Day 78: Sunday, November 19
On this holy day of rest, I am painfully aware of the millions of people who have no rest because of war, violence, hunger and toil. May my prayers be turned into loving action so that more of Your people may find rest in You.
Day 79: Monday, November 20
Healing Presence, we fervently lift our prayers to you for all victims of war who are hospitalized. We pray for a ceasefire to all wars, and that violence no longer touches places of healing where people turn to for safety.
Day 80: Tuesday, November 21
Merciful one, we know that your crucified Son is in the midst of the heartbreaking violence in the world. Let us not hide from one another’s pain but be open to it so that a universal demand for healing and peace be realized.
Day 81: Wednesday, November 22
Lord of Love, may we recognize the historical destruction done to all Indigenous siblings. With Your guidance, may we ask for forgiveness and emulate Native wisdom to live in harmony with every living being.
Day 82: Thursday, November 23
God of Abundance, I know that Your plan is for everyone and everything to have the abundance of life. On this day, I re-commit to personal and communal actions that aim for all to live in the fullness of life.
Day 83: Friday, November 24
Holy One, we are so thankful to those who tend to the unhoused, those who are struggling financially, and those who are facing illness. May their loving care ignite an even greater group of workers for your many vineyards.
Day 84: Saturday, November 25
Healer of Divisions, may we, Your people, practice communication, healing and peace in households and communities. May this transform the hearts of our politicians, so that authentic work for the common good may be accomplished.
Option to Take Action
Fracking is an especially dirty and polluting way to extract oil and is linked to a number of poor health outcomes, including cancer. Tell Congress to ban fracking now.
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