Begin with the prayer below, then go to the prayer for the day.
God of wisdom and mercy, grant us patience to listen; compassion to be open to other views and opinions; generosity to forgive and grace to change. As you taught us to love our dear neighbor, we pray that you give us strength to be healing instruments of unity and reconciliation.
Day 36: Sunday, October 8
God of love and justice, may we recognize your Son in the widow, orphan and stranger. May we be filled with compassion and treat all persons as your beloved children, and feel the heartbeat of Your universal family.
Day 37: Monday, October 9
Loving Creator, You are beyond all understanding yet You know each one of us intimately. May the gift of Your Presence illuminate our hearts and minds, making us connectors in the face of division and peacemakers in the face of violence.
Day 38: Tuesday, October 10
Holy One, living in Your presence is like a garden of delights. May we see all of Creation as marvels of Your power, and work to protect earth, sea and sky from on-going destructive forces.
Day 39: Wednesday, October 11
God of comfort, in the spirit of St. Damien of Molokai, may all of us welcome people who suffer from illness and disease. May we be a united voice for equal access to health care for everyone, so that all may live the fullness of Your life.
Day 40: Thursday, October 12
Good and sustaining God, we pray for our brothers and sisters on the margins of financial security. May our social safety net be strengthened in a way that transforms structural injustices and recognizes all people as precious in Your eyes.
Day 41: Friday, October 13
Encompassing Love, please surround those who are migrating from their countries of origin with safety, comfort and health. May they be welcomed to new lands as You welcome every one of us each day with your openness and love.
Day 42: Saturday, October 14
God of all knowledge, teach us to be radically open in heart and mind. May we understand causes, not just symptoms of suffering and difficulty, and avoid ignorance and judgment in policy affecting the most vulnerable among us.
Option to Take Action
Pollution from U.S. power plants is linked to cardiac and respiratory illnesses, higher rates of cancer, and premature death, especially in communities affected by structural injustices. Tell President Biden and the EPA to finalize strong pollution reductions.
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