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100 Days of Prayer (s16): Days 66-72

Begin with the prayer below, then go to the prayer for the day.

God of wisdom and mercy, grant us patience to listen; compassion to be open to other views and opinions; generosity to forgive and grace to change. As you taught us to love our dear neighbor, we pray that you give us strength to be healing instruments of unity and reconciliation.

Day 66: Sunday, March 26

God of Mercy, I pray that decision makers stand up for the vulnerable when advocating for laws and policies that support child nutrition programs, health care access and affordable housing.

Day 67: Monday, March 27

I pray for all the farmers who place food on my table, including many whose lives have been devastated by the recent natural disasters. May they receive the assistance needed to obtain housing and sustain their families.

Day 68: Tuesday, March 28

God of Justice, I pray for an end to racism that denies the dignity of our many brothers and sisters. Lead me to resources that can help others engage in building safe and inclusive communities.

Day 69: Wednesday, March 29

Today I pray for my migrant sisters and brothers who are contemplating leaving their home countries to protect their families. May they be provided with safety and the resources needed to live a peaceful life in their communities.

Day 70: Thursday, March 30

Loving God, I pray for all those who risk their lives in protecting the forests and natural resources in our nation and abroad. May I find ways to promote their ongoing challenges against corporations who seek only monetary gain.

Day 71: Friday, March 31

Today I pray for the people who have lost a friend or loved one to senseless gun

violence. May we continue to call for broad community engagement in support

of common-sense gun laws nationwide.

Day 72: Saturday, April 1

All-powerful God, remind me of our responsibility to protect Your creation. May you instill in me the motivation to be involved in embracing and protecting Your life-giving gift to us.

Option to Take Action

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