Week One
Day 1: Sunday, May 12
MOTHER’S DAY - God of love, today we pray for all mothers and motherly figures who love us unconditionally. We pray that You protect them, as mothers are the gentle spirits who provide us with love, hope and strength.
Day 2: Monday, May 13
Today we remember and pray for our sisters and brothers in New Zealand, and for all people who continue to mourn for loved ones who lost their lives in terrorist attacks around the world.
Day 3: Tuesday, May 14
Nurturing God, we pray for all the young adults rising around the world who demand action from those in power to protect our planet from the devastation of climate change. Help us to be good caretakers of what You have given us.
Day 4: Wednesday, May 15
As You have been generous with abundant gifts to all people, may we be generous in heart to welcome the stranger, unsparing with food for those who are hungry and compassionate to those in anguish.
Day 5: Thursday, May 16
Today we pray for the many families around the world who face despair and distress as they confront the difficult choice of having to flee the only place they know and trust as their home.
Day 6: Friday, May 17
God of Wisdom, awaken our hearts and minds to be open to the gifts and talents other cultures bring to our communities. May we learn to appreciate how valuable these contributions are to our nation’s progress.
Day 7: Saturday, May 18
Today we pray for civilized dialogue within our government, our communities and throughout our nation. Guide us with Your wisdom toward acceptance and respect for one another.
Option to Take Action:
Protect the right to vote and expand voting rights across the country.
Click here or copy this link to take action: http://bit.ly/100dop19A13
Week Two
Day 8: Sunday, May 19
Today we pray for all the peacemakers around the world who lovingly labor to build a world where human rights are respected, ecosystems are protected and sisters and brothers are appreciated.
Day 9: Monday, May 20
God of love, change is hard for us, yet we pray to be alert to our actions and realize when we need to make changes in our way of living when others’ lives are at stake. Help us change to protect species threatened by extinction.
Day 10: Tuesday, May 21
Today we pray for the people in Venezuela who suffer from hunger and despair. May they be liberated from this devastation and receive the much-needed resources, support and human dignity to renew their lives.
Day 11: Wednesday, May 22
Loving God, we pray for people throughout the world who are denied basic living conditions. May they be given the opportunity to thrive in their communities once again and feel safe in their own homes.
Day 12: Thursday, May 23
Today we pray for civilized dialogue within our government, our communities and throughout our nation. Guide us with Your wisdom towards acceptance and respect for one another.
Day 13: Friday, May 24
God of unity, drawn by Your love we pray to work together to build a nation where there is no longer us vs. them. We pray that respect and understanding overcome inequality and division.
Day 14: Saturday, May 25
We pray for children who remain detained, unaccompanied minors on difficult and uncertain journeys, and children still separated from their parents. Please move legislators’ hearts toward compassion, action and accountability.
Option to Take Action:
Pledge to be counted and educate your community about the importance of the 2020 census. Click here or copy this link to take action: http://bit.ly/100dop19A14
Week Three
Day 15: Sunday, May 26
God, thank you for the free will you have given us. Help us make wise choices to care for one another and the environment that sustains us. Strengthen our will to make choices that help one another, starting with my choice today of…
Day 16: Monday, May 27
MEMORIAL DAY - We remember in prayer those who gave their lives in service to their country. We remember all loved ones left behind, and pray for their relief from enduring grief and loss.
Day 17: Tuesday, May 28
Today we pray for those entering the work force for the first time. May they find jobs that pay a just wage for their good work. Guide those with new income to awaken to charity that helps one another.
Day 18: Wednesday, May 29
Today we pray for government transparency and courage among legislators to prevent an unjustified build up to war with Iran. Do not allow pride to harden our hearts. Guide diplomats to talk about a lasting and just peace.
Day 19: Thursday, May 30
God of abundance, let us not hoard what we don’t need at the expense of others. Grant us generous hearts to share your bounty. Empower those who are well-resourced in any way to help those who do not have enough.
Day 20: Friday, May 31
We pray for those who need to cross borders because of dire circumstances. We pray for those watching borders to keep everyone safe. We pray for legislators to re-think borders to reflect the needs of the world today.
Day 21: Saturday, June 1
Compassionate God, help us navigate our political climate to draw people together. When we disagree, empower us to build bridges and respond in love. May trolls who inflame division repent and find a new purpose pleasing to You.
Option to Take Action:
Speak up against palm oil companies who violate human rights and contribute to the destruction of rain forests. Click here or copy this link to take action: http://bit.ly/100dop19A15
Week Four
Day 22: Sunday, June 2
Today we pray that all branches of government commit to work together. Let justice be served where there are crimes and abuses, and dissolve the partisan, private, and selfish agendas of those who do not serve the common good.
Day 23: Monday, June 3
God, heal us. We ask You to heal those struggling with their mental health. When healing isn’t part of the plan, then please build a community of support that restores the weary and prevents breakdowns or violence.
Day 24: Tuesday, June 4
We pray for prosperity and safety for all people. Watch over our brothers and sisters by busting gang violence and building infrastructure and services that benefit the people. Let no one feel compelled to flee their homeland.
Day 25: Wednesday, June 5
May our little daily actions to care for creation be multiplied to benefit our environment today, and our human family that will inherit what we have done.
Day 26: Thursday, June 6
God, on this anniversary of the D-Day invasion in Europe, we pray for cooperation and dialogue among nations to prevent conflict and alleviate conditions that cause ignorance, poverty, suffering and oppression.
Day 27: Friday, June 7
God of abundance, guide all economies so that our efforts in the workplace are justly rewarded with fair compensation that covers our primary living expenses of food, health care and housing.
Day 28: Saturday, June 8
Today we pray for the many presidential candidates, including the incumbent, in the next U.S. election. May their long campaign season be unifying rather than divisive, and bring forward innovative ideas that serve people in need.
Option to Take Action:
Urge Congress to support funding for gun violence research in the U.S.
Click here or copy this link to take action: http://bit.ly/100dop19A16
Week Five
Day 29: Sunday, June 9
Today we pray for those making life transitions. May the discomfort caused by change lead toward better circumstances including health, peace, prosperity, and unity.
Day 30: Monday, June 10
Compassionate God, guide our leaders when introducintg new legislation or making key decisions, to be inclusive of all our sisters and brothers living in marginalized communities.
Day 31: Tuesday, June 11
Today we pray to listen respectfully to those with whom we disagree, that we serve others without judgement and that we be tolerant when we face different ideologies and/or cultures.
Day 32: Wednesday, June 12
WORLD DAY AGAINST CHILD LABOR - Loving God, we pray for You to protect the millions of children who are exploited and forced into child labor without an opportunity to go to school, or have playtime.
Day 33: Thursday, June 13
Today we pray for courage to speak up against abuse, harassment and bullying within our families, schools, places of work, communities and religious institutions.
Day 34: Friday, June 14
God of mercy, we pray the justice system that failed to protect the Indigenous women and girls in Canada be restructured to make sure their human rights are respected and they are protected.
Day 35: Saturday, June 15
We pray that we are moved to change our consumption patterns to ways that prevent degradation of our ecosystems and protect our earth’s finite resources including air, water and soil.
Option to Take Action:
Take action against child slavery by purchasing Fair Trade chocolate. Click here or copy this link to take action: http://bit.ly/100dop19A17
Week Six
Day 36: Sunday, June 16
FATHER’S DAY - Today we pray for all fathers. We give thanks for their support and courage. Thank you for the moments that reveal their tenderness, steadfastness and love to offer us strength and hope when we need it most.
Day 37: Monday, June 17
O Lord, You guide us to be inclusive and understanding of each other; to opt for peace and unity in our daily lives. Embrace us with hope as we try to work as brothers and sisters in fulling Your mission.
Day 38: Tuesday, June 18
4th ANNIVERSARY OF LAUDATO SI’ - Loving God, guide us to protect “our common home.” Let us work together to preserve the beauty in Your creation from the smallest creatures to immense mountain ranges and vast oceans.
Day 39: Wednesday, June 19
God of compassion, we ask for healing within our families and local communities that can lead to a more unified nation where diversity is welcome and acceptance of one another is embraced.
Day 40: Thursday, June 20
WORLD REFUGEE DAY - Today we pray for the safety and wellbeing of millions of refugees, especially those displaced within their own country. We pray for compassion from those making decisions on their behalf.
Day 41: Friday, June 21
Merciful God, we pray for religious tolerance. Gift us with compassion and understanding for each other to break down divisions and create a more peaceful world where younger generations can thrive.
Day 42: Saturday, June 22
Today we pray for the Colombian people as they continue to take in the thousands of desperate Venezuelan refugees and provide them with much needed humanitarian assistance. May they see an end to this crisis soon.
Option to Take Action:
Advocate for our common home by taking the Laudato Si’ Pledge. Click here or copy this link to take action: http://bit.ly/100dop19A18
Week Seven
Day 43: Sunday, June 23
Today we pray for the people of Hong Kong. May their protests to protect existing freedoms remain peaceful.
Day 44: Monday, June 24
God, we ask You to remedy all the causes of gun violence, from diminished mental health to acquisition of tools designed to kill. Inspire us to carry each other instead of carrying weapons.
Day 45: Tuesday, June 25
Today we pray for the homeless, especially those concentrated in Los Angeles. Inspire and unite leaders to collaborate and find bold solutions to the multi-layered crisis. Infuse their effort with compassion and attention to dignity.
Day 46: Wednesday, June 26
God of wisdom, help us to see and listen as You do when we observe and comment on presidential candidates. Guide candidates and voters to rise above divisive rhetoric and focus on what will benefit the common good.
Day 47: Thursday, June 27
Today we pray for the 55 children still separated from their parents after arriving at the U.S. - Mexico border. Help parents to be found and reunited with their kids. May You be the healing presence to their childhood trauma.
Day 48: Friday, June 28
We pray for a break from extreme weather and a decrease in drought, heatwaves, floods, and wildfires. Enable us to help each other using a long view that cares for creation, and new habits that change climate trends.
Day 49: Saturday, June 29
God of provision, we are caretakers of what You have given us. May we develop budgets as moral documents and administer them in ways that honor You. If we are blessed with abundance, show us where we can help those in need.
Option to Take Action:
Help replenish fish populations naturally by choosing responsibly grown and harvested seafood. Click here or copy this link to take action: http://bit.ly/100dop19A19
Week Eight
Day 50: Sunday, June 30
As record numbers of people travel this summer, I pray for open eyes and a heart to recognize and appreciate the treasures You have created in our common home. Help me to nurture ecological sustainability and peace.
Day 51: Monday, July 1
Today I pray for the people of El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras. Heavenly God, watch over our brothers and sisters in these nations. Bless each of them with cooperation, peace and prosperity.
Day 52: Tuesday, July 2
Heavenly God, You made us in wonderful varieties. Encourage me to celebrate the uniqueness I find in others. Help me to be brave and relinquish fears of people who look and act differently than I do.
Day 53: Wednesday, July 3
God of abundance, as many prepare for holiday festivities, awaken me to those who do not have a home or enough food to eat. Show me a way that I may help my brothers and sisters who are hungry or displaced. Help me to act.
Day 54: Thursday, July 4
INDEPENDENCE DAY - I pray with gratitude for freedom from tyranny and the sacrifices made by those who’ve come before me. May I also be grateful for interdependence, appreciate those who help me, and be alert to help others.
Day 55: Friday, July 5
Loving God, You know the mother, her infant and toddler children who lost their lives crossing the Rio Grande last week. I pray for their souls. Help me create a world where people do not lose their lives in search of a better one.
Day 56: Saturday, July 6
Holy Spirit, inspire me to be a reassuring presence to benefit the psychological health of people I encounter. May Your encouragement live within me to lift up others to feel clear-headed, unafraid, valued, worry-free and loved.
Option to Take Action:
Contact your Representative today and ask him/her to support H.R. 2615, which addresses root causes of migration in El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras. To find your Representative, visit https://www.house.gov/representatives/find-your-representative.
Click here or copy this link to take action: http://bit.ly/100dop19A20.
Week Nine
Day 57: Sunday, July 7
I pray for the desperate parents and children who risk their lives trying to cross the U.S.- Mexico border in search of refuge. God, give them hope and resilience. I also pray for migrants who’ve died on their journey.
Day 58: Monday, July 8
Loving God, give me courage as I try to be open and welcoming to others with different opinions. I pray You fill my heart with understanding and openness.
Day 59: Tuesday, July 9
Today I pray for my sisters and brothers in Sudan who are exposing their lives to uncertainty and danger as they participate in protests to make their voices heard.
Day 60: Wednesday, July 10
Compassionate God, You have shown me that being is more meaningful and rewarding than having material “stuff.” I pray that I follow Your example and share with others, especially those without essentials like food and shelter.
Day 61: Thursday, July 11
Today I pray for forgiveness for any adverse actions I may have taken that resulted in harm to others. Help me to be aware of my actions and become a more thoughtful and gentle person.
Day 62: Friday, July 12
Generous God, I commit to enjoy today, to be a prayerful presence to all I encounter, to be grateful for Your generous gifts, and to let go of any judgements I may have towards my dear neighbor.
Day 63: Saturday, July 13
Today I pray legislators make decisions that provide humane immigration policies. May these actions protect refugees who find themselves in anguish and desperation as they search for a new life.
Option to Take Action:
Take action to stop attacks on the people of Sudan, who are peacefully protesting. Click here or copy this link to take action: http://bit.ly/100dop19A21.
Week Ten
Day 64: Sunday, July 14
Compassionate God, I pray for all of those on death row. May legislators’ hearts be touched by Your grace to end the use of the death penalty. Only you can see all ends. Let us trust in Your grace and end executions by the state.
Day 65: Monday, July 15
I pray that my eyes are open to the environmental impact of my consumption when I make a purchase or consume a product. Help me recognize my footprint in our world and its affects on others today and in future generations.
Day 66: Tuesday, July 16
Almighty God, I pray that victims of torture find an end to their suffering and discover strength, courage and peace in You. Convert the hearts of those inflicting torture to stop their heinous acts and seek forgiveness.
Day 67: Wednesday, July 17
Today I pray for the people of Brazil who struggle to live in a democracy continuously afflicted with corruption charges. Infuse their leaders with integrity and wisdom to respond to the needs of the people they serve.
Day 68: Thursday, July 18
God of Grace, I pray for all of those struggling with barriers to gender equality. May equal treatment under the law become a reality.
Day 69: Friday, July 19
Today I pray for the workers who labor at two or three jobs in order to provide food, shelter, education, and healthcare for their families. I pray that policy makers and business leaders find the courage to address unfair wages.
Day 70: Saturday, July 20
I pray in thanksgiving today for all healthcare providers who are assisting our vulnerable sisters and brothers in refugee camps, detention centers, war-torn zones and in prisons around the world.
Option to Take Action:
Caring for creation is also caring for one another. Learn more about a Green New Deal. Click here or copy this link to take action: http://bit.ly/100dop19A23
Week Eleven
Day 71: Sunday, July 21
Loving God, I pray for an open heart to recognize racism, and courage to take action to stop it. Help me follow your example of love for people who are limited, excluded or harmed by societal - or my own - biases.
Day 72: Monday, July 22
I pray for the countless, complex life stories at the US - Mexico border to find happy endings. Guide those seeking a new life from poverty and violence. Provide wisdom and compassion to those trying to uphold the law. Protect all.
Day 73: Tuesday, July 23
Today I pray for an end to politics of division. God of unity, empower leaders who bring people together. Watch over long-running campaigns so that all behave with civility and dignity. Gift us with an ability to end divisiveness.
Day 74: Wednesday, July 24
Compassionate God, stretch your healing ministry beyond doctors and nurses to the business people who make the best care possible. Enable business and lawmakers to mix and result in excellent, affordable and available healthcare.
Day 75: Thursday, July 25
I pray for the people and leaders of Turkey who are figuratively and literally caught between the east and west. Fill their hearts with compassion, peace and wisdom to be agents of good for Asia, Europe and the Middle East.
Day 76: Friday, July 26
Today I pray for those battling addictions of any kind. God, please keep people safe from powerful chemicals, and surround those who have lost self control with people who can help them break free from their plight.
Day 77: Saturday, July 27
God of creation, help me to care for my brothers and sisters today and in future generations by caring for the great gift of our common home. Give me vision to plan for the future and willpower to change habits to benefit our planet.
Option to Take Action:
Take action to make Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) accountable for the inhumane treatment of children and detention centers.
Click here or copy this link to take action: http://bit.ly/100dop19A24
Week Twelve
Day 78: Sunday, July 28
God, You provide me with all that I need because I know you love me. Help me follow Your example. Guide the use of resources - planned through federal budgets or in my own household - to provide results for those most in need.
Day 79: Monday, July 29
God of creation, thank you for the gift of our common home. Let us care for it and one another with many, small yet thoughtful steps like planting a tree. Inspire millions of us to plant trees to reforest our planet and clean our air.
Day 80: Tuesday, July 30
Today I pray to “go back where I came from” because I come from You. With the faith and trust of a child, help me to recognize our similarities, celebrate our differences, bring people together and encourage others to do the same.
Day 81: Wednesday, July 31
God of grace, let me see what You see. May my focus be outward to see the real poor and in need. Destroy the myth of people perceived as undeserving because of a lack of morals or work ethic. Guide me to respond with love.
Day 82: Thursday, August 1
Heal my heart, O God, from the divisions created at the US - Mexico border. Unite families and mend the wounds created by their separation. May I take action to sew our rips and tears with compassion for my sisters and brothers.
Day 83: Friday, August 2
The Democratic Republic of Congo needs Your hand to contain an Ebola epidemic. I pray that the disease may be eradicated, and that the health workers attempting to help are safe from infection and conflict.
Day 84: Saturday, August 3
Today I pray for safety from all who act out violently. Help me to recognize warning signs and act to prevent the preventable. Grant Your protection to the most vulnerable among us.
Option to Take Action:
Take action to prevent the U.S. from starting a nuclear war. Click here or copy this link to take action: http://bit.ly/100dop19A25
Week Thirteen
Day 85: Sunday, August 4
On this day, I pray for an end to gun violence in our nation. I pray for the injured and the families of the deceased. Move Congress, state, and local officials to dialogue and enact restrictive gun laws that protect our communities.
Day 86: Monday, August 5
God of love, I pray for all the teenagers and young adults who had to flee their home countries to save themselves from the gangs and violence. May they be allowed to be united with their loved ones and find safety in the U.S.
Day 87: Tuesday, August 6
I pray in solidarity with sisters and brothers around the world for a united, reconciled global family, that welcomes each other with dignity, understanding and acceptance. God, instill in us compassion and love for one another.
Day 88: Wednesday, August 7
Compassionate God, I pray for all who suffer from the effects of climate change. Allow me to see that my actions have consequences that will forever change our future generations’ ability to thrive.
Day 89: Thursday, August 8
Today I pray that you transform our hearts so that we share resources with those who are unemployed, living in poverty, homeless, and/or hungry. May legislators protect SNAP, which provides food for so many in our communities.
Day 90: Friday, August 9
On the anniversary of the bombing of Nagasaki, I pray for the victims who lost their lives due to war and nuclear weapons. I pray that world leaders be moved towards peaceful dialogue and away from nuclear war.
Day 91: Saturday, August 10
Today I pray for Guatemala, one of the poorest countries in Central America, as it may have to face an increase in asylum seekers. I pray for immigrant officials that they treat refugees with dignity and respect and provide needed assistance.
Option to Take Action:
Take action to protect indigenous sacred land from construction which would impact their resources. Click or copy this link: http://bit.ly/100dop19A26
Week Fourteen
Day 92: Sunday, August 11
On this day I pray for the eradication of racism in our nation. May we work together to heal our broken communities and understand that we all belong together as one family in the eyes of our God.
Day 93: Monday, August 12
God of mercy, I hold in my heart every person who faces the tremendous pain of losing someone to the inexcusable act of gun violence. Turn all of our pain into action. Help us demand laws from legislators to prevent more bloodshed.
Day 94: Tuesday, August 13
Today I pray for an end to the immoral and inhumane practice of detaining immigrant children. Protect these innocent children who find themselves suffering the consequences of their parents desperate need to flee.
Day 95: Wednesday, August 14
God of life, I pray that we act now to protect our common home from the effects of climate change. Move us to act now as one and urge our legislators to step up and commit to work together to eradicate the causes of climate crisis.
Day 96: Thursday, August 15
Peaceful God, I ask for Your healing. I pray that you lead us toward a culture of nonviolence. Help us become channels of Your love and transform the hearts of those who may experience anger. I pray we unite our voices to heal our nation.
Day 97: Friday, August 16
On this day, I pray that we all join our voices and prayers to confront the ills in our communities that lead to division, hatred and white supremacy. God forgive us our trespasses and lead us into reconciliation and unity.
Day 98: Saturday, August 17
My God, enough is enough. Today I pray for the U.S., whose people have experienced so much gun violence and mourned so many innocent victims. May legislators enact laws that lead to abolishing gun violence in our country.
Option to Take Action:
Take action to end gun violence. Click or copy this link: http://bit.ly/100dop19A27
Week Fifteen
Day 99: Sunday, August 18
God of all creation, I pray for all species that face extinction. Inspire everyone to lift their voices and urge our lawmakers to protect the Endangered Species Act so that animals and plants that are threatened may have a chance to live.
Day 100: Monday, August 19
Today I pray for the Indigenous people in Brazil whose human rights are violated by illegal loggers, miners and land grabbers. Protect them from violence and from profiteering corporations and government.
Option to Take Action:
Amazon rain forests have been under siege for decades. Help protect it. Learn how and why with this action. Click or copy this link: http://bit.ly/100dop19A28