Begin with the prayer below, then go to the prayer for the day.
God of wisdom and mercy, grant us patience to listen; compassion to be open to other views and opinions; generosity to forgive and grace to change. As you taught us to love our dear neighbor, we pray that you give us strength to be healing instruments of unity and reconciliation.
Day 92: Sunday, December 1
Voice of God, let my soul hear You this Advent. Let me patiently trust in You though I may not know the way You lead me. Let this patience abide in me as I strive to create a more equitable and just world with my brothers and sisters.
Day 93: Monday, December 2
Today I pray for shared perception in our society, where opposite sides of the political spectrum observe data and facts without self-serving spin. Guide our elected representatives and their constituencies to act for the common good.
Day 94: Tuesday, December 3
Creator of the universe, enable me to see the overstory of the environment and our footprint on it across generations. Help me overcome habits of convenience to care for our common home, each other, and those who come after us.
Day 95: Wednesday, December 4
Today I pray for migrant workers who put in hard labor for work others don’t want to do, while paying taxes on their low wages. Though they hear threats, enable migrants to find hope and a path to citizenship in the U.S.
Day 96: Thursday, December 5
God of peace, I reach out to You to use Your power to create peace and restoration in war-torn regions in Gaza, Lebanon, Ukraine and other places. May those afflicted by war find peace, health, and prosperity.
Day 97: Friday, December 6
Today I pray for decision makers to tame budgets and help government work cost-effectively. May civil servants who faithfully serve the common good have their livelihood protected from the whims of posturing public figures.
Day 98: Saturday, December 7
Holy Spirit, inspire me to view brothers and sisters for their presence rather than their appearance. Purge me from hidden biases. Let me be an instrument to dismantle systemic racism and support equitable opportunities for all.
Option to Take Action:
Click here to thank Senators who voted to disapprove of weapons for Israel.