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100 Days of Prayer (s20): Days 64-70

Begin with the prayer below, then go to the prayer for the day.

God of wisdom and mercy, grant us patience to listen; compassion to be open to other views and opinions; generosity to forgive and grace to change. As you taught us to love our dear neighbor, we pray that you give us strength to be healing instruments of unity and reconciliation.

Day 64: Sunday, July 14

I pray that I commit myself to the Holy Spirit. I will prioritize deep listening, communication, and finding common goals over self-righteousness of my opinions.

Day 65: Monday, July 15

Loving Creator, in this Plastic Free July, may we recognize the deep impacts of our actions on public health and ecosystems that last for generations. May we cut our plastic use whenever possible, especially unnecessary single-use plastic.

Day 66: Tuesday, July 16

I pray I find strength in the Eternal One – strength to focus on gratitude over complaining, on loving action versus discouragement, and on recognizing the signs of the Risen Christ in everyday life.

Day 67: Wednesday, July 17

God of Justice, I pray we underscore the principles of justice, equal opportunity and inclusion in public policy-making. May we, like Representative John Lewis, work to ensure that all people have the right to vote.

Day 68: Thursday, July 18

God of Love, inspire governments and peoples to welcome those most vulnerable among us, especially migrants who flee violence, extortion and civil unrest.

Day 69: Friday, July 19

Holy Spirit, your transforming grace can move mountains. I pray global leaders who perpetuate violence upon their own peoples, and neighbors, experience your life-changing power to work instead for unity and peace.

Day 70: Saturday, July 20

We pray for all of Creation affected by extreme heat around the world, especially the unhoused, the elderly, and those who labor outdoors. May all find respite and shelter.

Option to Take Action:

Urge the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to halt a planned methane gas pipeline in Tennessee. Visit:


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