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100 Days of Prayer (s20): Days 50-56

Begin with the prayer below, then go to the prayer for the day.

God of wisdom and mercy, grant us patience to listen; compassion to be open to other views and opinions; generosity to forgive and grace to change. As you taught us to love our dear neighbor, we pray that you give us strength to be healing instruments of unity and reconciliation.

Day 50: Sunday, June 30

God of justice, as I “back the blue,” supporting the law enforcement community who protect and serve us all, may it also be clearly understood that this support is conditional on the just treatment of everyone without the abuse of power.

Day 51: Monday, July 1

Today I pray to eliminate plastic in every corner of my life. Help me change my habits to prevent plastic from conveniently, inexpensively poisoning our ecosystems, food chain and health care. May it start by avoiding plastic bottles.

Day 52: Tuesday, July 2

Holy Spirit, enlighten us to solve complex problems. Prevent us from blaming and scapegoating our brothers and sisters. Open our eyes to recognize there is no “them” and there is only “us.” Guide us to solutions for the common good.

Day 53: Wednesday, July 3

Again I pray for my sisters and brothers seeking a better life away from poverty, oppression and violence. Provide a path for migrants to reach their destination safely and to be treated fairly.

Day 54: Thursday, July 4

INDEPENDENCE DAY (U.S.) - Holy Spirit, speak to our hearts to create a nation that is indivisible with liberty and justice for all.

Day 55: Friday, July 5

Today I pray that our nation of abundance will provide the food security that is needed within our borders and around the world. You have provided everything we need. Empower our policy choices to prevent hunger.

Day 56: Saturday, July 6

God of grace, lead me to help people without counting the cost. May my motivations never be conditional or transactional. Abide in my heart always so that I may assist my sisters and brothers because of the way You love us.

Option to Take Action:

Tell world leaders we need a strong global plastics treaty. Visit:


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