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100 Days of Prayer (s20): Days 43-49

Begin with the prayer below, then go to the prayer for the day.

God of wisdom and mercy, grant us patience to listen; compassion to be open to other views and opinions; generosity to forgive and grace to change. As you taught us to love our dear neighbor, we pray that you give us strength to be healing instruments of unity and reconciliation.

Day 43: Sunday, June 23

Compassionate God, I plead with You to intervene in places of war where our brothers and sisters are experiencing misery. Transform the hearts of those driving destruction. Restore the lives of those suffering.

Day 44: Monday, June 24

Today I pray to be alert to the scourge of racism. Help me recognize when anyone is unjustly disadvantaged due to who they are. Enable me to contribute to lasting changes so people and institutions treat all with fairness.

Day 45: Tuesday, June 25

Gracious God, let us love like wedding vows: cherishing, honoring, and sustaining each other no matter what.

Day 46: Wednesday, June 26

I pray for the safey of all who are experiencing extreme weather, like droughts, floods, heatwaves and wildfires. Lead me to change my habits today to weaken climate change. May I provide a safer common home for future generations.

Day 47: Thursday, June 27

Loving God, as political campaigns kick into overdrive, gift me with the tools to be a unifier rather than a divider. Though I may disagree with people’s stances, enable me to have dignified conversations that bring people together.

Day 48: Friday, June 28

Holy Spirit, inspire us to find solutions that enable everyone that wants one to have a secure home to call their own.

Day 49: Saturday, June 29

Today I pray for migrants risking their lives to flee poverty, violence and oppression. Reveal ways in which I can help my brothers and sisters journeying to a better life. Help me to understand their plight and to take action.

Option to Take Action:

Tell the EPA to ban the insecticide acephate.(SNAP) fully funded in the Farm Bill. Visit:


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