Begin with the prayer below, then go to the prayer for the day.
God of wisdom and mercy, grant us patience to listen; compassion to be open to other views and opinions; generosity to forgive and grace to change. As you taught us to love our dear neighbor, we pray that you give us strength to be healing instruments of unity and reconciliation.
Day 8: Sunday, May 19
Unifying God, You call each one of us to be just and inclusive of our brothers and sisters. Continue to instill in me the will to bring people together for inclusive dialogue.
Day 9: Monday, May 20
Today I pray for unity and reconciliation among our democratic leaders. Encourage them to seek opportunities that lead to working together for the common good of our nation and the world.
Day 10: Tuesday, May 21
God of Justice, I pray for a global community where all commit to live as one human family; a family that rejects fear, indifference, hatred, and violence. Guide us to embrace an inclusive way of being.
Day 11: Wednesday, May 22
Today I pray that nation leaders be challenged to explore the deep connection between racism, forced migration, and the climate crisis. Lead them to address the consequences that impact their people.
Day 12: Thursday, May 23
Inclusive God, lead me away from contributing to a divided nation. Instill in me the will to go out of my way to welcome the dear neighbor, and to listen and respect their point of view.
Day 13: Friday, May 24
Today I pray our nation leaders seek opportunities to engage with others to bring about dialogue and collaboration that promotes the common good.
Day 14: Saturday, May 25
Providential God, guide us as one towards a new direction that transforms our way of doing and being to protect Your creation. May we feel the urgency to be one with nature to safeguard future generations.
Option to Take Action
Urge Congress to take action to stop child exploitation and trafficking.