Begin with the prayer below, then go to the prayer for the day.
God of wisdom and mercy, grant us patience to listen; compassion to be open to other views and opinions; generosity to forgive and grace to change. As you taught us to love our dear neighbor, we pray that you give us strength to be healing instruments of unity and reconciliation.
Day 50: Sunday, March 10
God of all creation, thank You for the gift of our ancestors’ wisdom to protect our lands. Lead us to continue to protect against resource exploitation and steward our cherished spaces for future generations.
Day 51: Monday, March 11
Today I pray that profit motives are removed from our justice system. I pray for brothers and sisters who must consider financial pressures in how they plea, or face bail. May those who are marginalized receive justice.
Day 52: Tuesday, March 12
Today I pray for open eyes to see how we are all interconnected, and then to act on this truth.
Day 53: Wednesday, March 13
In Your name, I humbly ask for a united coalition of people to effectively apply resources that offer shelter to those in need and paths to an affordable home.
Day 54: Thursday, March 14
Holy Spirit, I pray that we may overcome culture wars and speak to one another with love and dignity as we strive to solve real problems. Blind our view of one another as enemies and let us work together to care for our dear neighbors.
Day 55: Friday, March 15
Today I pray for wisdom to recognize when racism may creep into my thought and action. May I never create a barrier or disregard a brother or sister because of their appearance.
Day 56: Saturday, March 16
God of peace, transform the hearts of those propelling war in Gaza and Ukraine. End these horrible attacks on human life and begin reconciliation and rebuilding.
Option to Take Action
Urge the Senate to expand the Child Tax Credit. Visit: