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100 Days of Prayer (s19): Days 92-98

Begin with the prayer below, then go to the prayer for the day.

God of wisdom and mercy, grant us patience to listen; compassion to be open to other views and opinions; generosity to forgive and grace to change. As you taught us to love our dear neighbor, we pray that you give us strength to be healing instruments of unity and reconciliation.

Day 92: Sunday, April 21

This week, guide me to live in the Risen Christ, focusing on light, prayer, gratitude, and loving action I can take for those facing difficult circumstances.

Day 93: Monday, April 22

On this Earth Day, and every day, we pray for continued fervent action for the revitalization of earth, sea, and sky so that all Creation may enjoy the fullness of life. Remind us that care for our common home is also care for each other.

Day 94: Tuesday, April 23

Life-giving One, we pray in earnest for the people of Sudan who face violence and oppression. May Sudanese leaders, and the international community, work tirelessly to bring an end to violence and healing for all involved.

Day 95: Wednesday, April 24

We pray for all young people in foster programs that they find lasting homes with adults who lovingly guide and support them. We pray for now-adult foster youth that they are strong financially and socially to embrace the fullness of life.

Day 96: Thursday, April 25

Like Your son Jesus of Nazareth demonstrates the characteristics of forgiveness, mercy, love, compassion and healing, may we re-double our efforts to bring these alive in our world.

Day 97: Friday, April 26

Lead me to treat everyone I meet with respect and dignity, especially those with whom I disagree politically. May our actions as a people demonstrate to our leaders how to act with justice for all.

Day 98: Saturday, April 27

Transforming One, please keep our hearts open to receive your love and work to dismantle the structures of injustice and racism so that the People of God can all live in full human dignity.

Option to Take Action

Tell Congress to strengthen the Voting Rights Act to make this basic right open and fair.. Visit:


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