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100 Days of Prayer (s19): Days 15-21

Begin with the prayer below, then go to the prayer for the day.

God of wisdom and mercy, grant us patience to listen; compassion to be open to other views and opinions; generosity to forgive and grace to change. As you taught us to love our dear neighbor, we pray that you give us strength to be healing instruments of unity and reconciliation.

Day 15: Sunday, February 4

Loving and gracious God, thank You for our daily bread that you provide in abundance. Open our eyes to see that we have all we need. Open our hearts to share generously with those who may be missing something we can offer.

Day 16: Monday, February 5

Once again I come to You asking for peace. Cool the flames of anger and hatred so that understanding and love may take root in fertile soil. May Your peace abide in us and withstand sparks of deception, division, and violence.

Day 17: Tuesday, February 6

King of kings, enable us to follow Your servant leadership in caring for one another. May the people we elect to represent us follow the same path of compassionate care in service to all of our dear neighbors.

Day 18: Wednesday, February 7

Today I pray for a sustainable environment. Guide us to be stewards of creation with the ability to regenerate all we consume and more. May Your brilliance illuminate ideas to heal our ecosystems and restore our health.

Day 19: Thursday, February 8

On this Feast of St. Josephine Bakhita, I pray for the freedom of all who are enslaved around the world. May they find support and hope.

Day 20: Friday, February 9

All-knowing God, be a partner to every law enforcement officer in every jurisdiction. May Your wisdom and compassion flow through Your partners, to protect us from all forms of abuse and to serve the common good.

Day 21: Saturday, February 10

Today I pray for housing security. May we build more homes that are safe, ecologically wise, and affordable, despite obstacles of profiteering builders, NIMBY protectionists, or our unknowing judgments of who deserves a home.

Option to Take Action

Urge Congress to protect our environment and future generations by enacting a nationwide ban on single-use plastics. Read more and sign here: Read more and sign here:


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