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100 Days of Prayer (s19): Days 1-7

Begin with the prayer below, then go to the prayer for the day.

God of wisdom and mercy, grant us patience to listen; compassion to be open to other views and opinions; generosity to forgive and grace to change. As you taught us to love our dear neighbor, we pray that you give us strength to be healing instruments of unity and reconciliation.

Day 1: Sunday, January 21

Today I pray for the safety of all my brothers and sisters who struggle to find hope in the mist of violence and war in Gaza. I pray those perpetuating this war cease fire now.

Day 2: Monday, January 22

God of healing and comfort, may all those who are being trafficked find freedom and safety. Transform the hearts of all those who exploit the vulnerable.

Day 3: Tuesday, January 23

Gracious God, I pray for an inclusive democracy. That each one of us find the courage to be involved and stand up for the common good.

Day 4: Wednesday, January 24

God of Light, illuminate our hearts and minds to rejoice in each new day, and bring Your love to the dark areas of our world.

Day 5: Thursday, January 25

As our nation focuses on political campaigns, I pray we all be inspired by the God of Unity to communicate respectfully and heal divisions within our families and nation.

Day 6: Friday, January 26

God of Compassion, I pray I can be gentle and respectful in sharing my political perspective with others and open to listening with kindness to my dear neighbor.

Day 7: Saturday, January 27

I pray I can be a unifying presence wherever I go. Help me be a positive voice of calm at a time when our nation faces so much uncertainty.

Option to Take Action

Urge Congress to lift hundreds of thousands of children out of poverty.Please visit:


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