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100 Days of Prayer (s16): Days 38-44

Begin with the prayer below, then go to the prayer for the day.

God of wisdom and mercy, grant us patience to listen; compassion to be open to other views and opinions; generosity to forgive and grace to change. As you taught us to love our dear neighbor, we pray that you give us strength to be healing instruments of unity and reconciliation.

Day 38: Sunday, February 26

Today I pray that leaders comprehend the impact their decision making has on countless people they may never meet. Open their eyes to see every person with compassion. Let dignity be a starting point to change lives for the better.

Day 39: Monday, February 27

God of justice, shine a light on my stewardship of the resources for which I am responsible. Focus my budget decisions and allocation of time or treasure to consider people who may experience an unfair disadvantage in our society.

Day 40: Tuesday, February 28

Today I pray that anyone who wants a roof over their head may have a safe, affordable place to live. Help me remove barriers preventing people from this basic need, including overcoming addictions and mental health challenge.

Day 41: Wednesday, March 1

God of peace, lead me to advocate for laws that keep weapons away from those who are a danger to themselves or others. Let me be Your presence in someone’s life so that no one feels called to use a gun to hurt anyone.

Day 42: Thursday, March 2

Today I pray for awakening to biases I may hold without realizing I possess them. May my new awareness serve as a means to change behaviors, ask forgiveness, and create fairness wherever there is inequity.

Day 43: Friday, March 3

God of wisdom, guide me to love future generations by being mindful of what I consume in my own lifetime. Lead me to fast from things I don’t need and use limited resources sparingly and wisely to benefit our posterity.

Day 44: Saturday, March 4

God of love, fill each of us with a sense of care for our brothers and sisters that pulls us to respond when disasters strike, whether natural or man-made. Reveal ways I can proactively and reactively help people in desperate times.

Option to Take Action

Take action to hold oil corporations accountable.


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