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Image by Karl Fredrickson

Series 9
September-December 2020 -

Week One


Day 1: Sunday, September 6

God of unity, I pray that I become a unifying presence wherever I go. I ask for Your grace as I strive to be a peace builder.

Day 2: Monday, September 7

LABOR DAY~ Today I pray for workers persevering through adversity. Keep healthcare workers and first responders safe. Refresh educators. Reward essential workers for their true value. Guide those in need of work.

Day 3: Tuesday, September 8

God of love, I pray for wisdom and courage to be a bridge builder. Help me to be a compassionate listener by walking onto and crossing the bridge, rather than waiting for others to arrive on my side.

Day 4: Wednesday, September 9

Today I pray for young voters to engage in the political process as they will confront the consequences of the decisions we make today.


Day 5: Thursday, September 10

God of creation, though I face immediate concerns in the present day, grant me wisdom and endurance to continue to change habits and advocate to protect our world from climate change and pollution.


Day 6: Friday, September 11

PATRIOT DAY ~ Today I pray for those whose lives have been forever impacted by violence in our nation and around the world.

Day 7: Saturday, September 12

Gentle God, I pray today in thanksgiving for all who are working to make it possible for voters to be able to cast their ballot in safety and with dignity.

Option to Take Action:

Take action by intentionally having a conversation with someone who has a different opinion. Be a compassionate listener and focus on the dignity of the person with whom you are speaking, rather than the issue itself.

Week Two

Day 8: Sunday, September 13

God of creation, I pray You protect all those whose lives are threatened by wildfires. I pray You keep safe all firefighters who work relentlessly to defend Your creation.

Day 9: Monday, September 14

Today I pray for the eradication of systemic racism. Guide me as an advocate, voter and active participant in society to remove unjust structures that suppress people of color.

Day 10: Tuesday, September 15

All-provident God, open my eyes to see past the present moment and take a long view at caring for our common home. Enable me to love future generations by being a good steward of Your creation today.


Day 11: Wednesday, September 16

Today I pray for all the people around the globe who are impacted by the actions of our government and our corporations. We are all one body and need to care for each other.

Day 12: Thursday, September 17

Loving God, open my eyes and heart to see the anguish of children who are abused, hungry and neglected. Lead me to advocate, take action and vote to end causes of their suffering.

Day 13: Friday, September 18

Today I pray for all our brothers and sisters working in essential jobs, neighborhood clinics, and soup kitchens ministering to the most vulnerable among us.

Day 14: Saturday, September 19

God of love, I pray You open my heart and mind to appreciate differences among us. Guide me to build a world where we can acknowledge that we are brothers and sisters.

Option to Take Action:

During the Season of Creation (Sept. 1 – Oct. 4), find ways to be challenged, take action and learn about how to be involved to protect creation. Click or copy:

Week Three


Day 15: Sunday, September 20

Today I pray for courage in the face of fear. Lead me to make decisions to bring people together, rather than being afraid of each other and hypothetical threats.

Day 16: Monday, September 21

God of unity, I pray for Your grace as I strive to serve as a unifying presence and work to build peace, unity, and understanding in our world at this time of immense uncertainty.

Day 17: Tuesday, September 22

Today I pray for the people whose land is on fire or under water. May we unite in service to restore our brothers and sisters impacted by natural disasters.

Day 18: Wednesday, September 23

Compassionate God, heal all of us affected by the pandemic. Help those with coronavirus to recover quickly. Restore people with other health conditions that have been ignored.

Day 19: Thursday, September 24

Today I pray that my voting plans do not create a wedge between my sisters and brothers who may have different ideas. Remind me to treat people with dignity, always.

Day 20: Friday, September 25

God of forgiveness, awaken my mind to the times when I unknowingly degraded any of my sisters and brothers. Forgive me. Show me how to make amends.

Day 21: Saturday, September 26

God of mercy, guide people who have lost their jobs during the pandemic to find new and better paying positions. May people struggling to get by receive the resources they need.

Option to Take Action:

Get ready for Nov 3 General Election: Visit this one-stop shop to register to vote, request a vote by mail ballot, etc. Click or copy:

Week Four

Day 22: Sunday, September 27

Today I pray for the lives dramatically changed by fires, floods, epidemics, violence and job loss. Fill their lives with love. Make known to me how I can help.

Day 23: Monday, September 28

God of justice, guide the process of selecting a new U.S. Supreme Court Justice. Enlighten me to share my thoughts on this national conversation in ways that unite my brothers and sisters, rather than creating division.

Day 24: Tuesday, September 29

Today I pray for healthy debate that rejects divisiveness and raises the best ideas for unity and the common good.


Day 25: Wednesday, September 30

God of community, free me from my phone addiction. I ask You to help me set down my devices, and show me opportunities to be present to my family and neighbors.

Day 26: Thursday, October 1

Today I pray for shared understanding and meaning in the world in which we participate. Grant me humility to listen to others and grace and wisdom to act justly.

Day 27: Friday, October 2

Shepherd of the lost, alert me to look for those in my midst who are forgotten or lonely. Help me to connect with people who feel hurt or separated.

Day 28: Saturday, October 3

Today I pray for food and shelter for anyone in need of it. Let me be Your representative to provide what is needed for people living on the edges of hunger and homelessness.

Option to Take Action:

Take action. Become an informed voter (get details about polling places, voter registration, your ballot, and debates in your area). Click or copy:

Week Five


Day 29: Sunday, October 4

FEAST OF ST. FRANCIS ~ Today I pray for all living creatures, the beauty in nature and life which You have given us. Guide us to protect our Earth with commitment and compassion for all.

Day 30: Monday, October 5

Today I pray for our all people who find themselves at the crossroads, facing lifetime decisions that will impact the lives of their loved ones. 

Day 31: Tuesday, October 6

Today I pray for unity and civility.  Help me to behave with decorum, dignity, and respect toward others, even when we disagree.  

Day 32: Wednesday, October 7

Today I pray for those whose livelihoods are impacted by the halt in many sectors of our economy. I pray for those who have lost their income and are at risk of losing their homes. 

Day 33: Thursday, October 8

Inclusive God, I pray for our black brothers and sisters who have been killed by police.  Let the people be heard and transform law enforcement to help end racism by adopting social services rather than use of lethal force.

Day 34: Friday, October 9

God of compassion, I pray for the 1 million lives lost worldwide due to COVID-19. I pray for hope and resilience for those who are ill, in isolation, and struggling with uncertainty.

Day 35: Saturday, October 10

All-powerful God, I pray for a world where everyone is at peace, free, respected, united, and welcome.


Option to Take Action:

Learn what needs to be done to hold a safe and accessible election in your state:

Week Six

Day 36: Sunday, October 11

God of healing, I pray for the vulnerable communities threatened by environmental degradation and natural disasters due to the climate crisis driven by our unsustainable practices.

Day 37: Monday, October 12

Today I pray for my indigenous brothers and sisters. I pray that we work to eradicate injustices against them that disregard their dignity and threaten their lives.

Day 38: Tuesday, October 13

Loving God, forgive me for any schadenfreude I experience. May it be short-lived and only serve as an alert to pray for and to help my brothers and sisters experiencing misfortune. 


Day 39: Wednesday, October 14

Today I pray for peace and openness in my heart, allowing me to practice kindness, be understanding, and be present for others in need.

Day 40: Thursday, October 15

Creator God, I give thanks for the blessings You have bestowed on us, especially the great beauty of this, our common home, and the opportunities to be of service to the dear neighbor.

Day 41: Friday, October 16

Today I pray for those who are hungry, those who are displaced from their lands, and those who walk miles in search of water. May we be reminded to share with our brothers and sisters, and to stand up for what is fair and just.

Day 42: Saturday, October 17

INTERNATIONAL DAY FOR THE ERADICATION OF POVERTY ~ Benevolent God, I pray for those whose lives are impoverished by others’ greed. Help us to turn away from materialism. Guide us to kindness and empathy.


Option to Take Action:

Take action to prioritize investment in nutrition. Click or copy:

Week Seven


Day 43: Sunday, October 18

Creator of all, I pray for the gift to see my brothers and sisters with Your eyes: to see beyond the differences that separate us, and to greet them with the knowledge that, as Your children, we are all one body.

Day 44: Monday, October 19

Today I pray for all those who have been hurt by violence in word or deed during these turbulent times. May Your love help them heal and find peace within themselves and with one another.

Day 45: Tuesday, October 20

Today I pray that those now lost in anger, anxiety, and fear may be transformed through Your limitless love.

Day 46: Wednesday, October 21

Today I pray for the safety and success of students and their families, for teachers, and for administrators, as they navigate the challenges of virtual, hybrid, and in-person education amid the COVID-19 pandemic.


Day 47: Thursday, October 22

Ever-giving God, I pray for a generous spirit to respond to the needs of the dear neighbor. I ask for a peaceful heart so I can see beyond my own burdens to help others carry their own.

Day 48: Friday, October 23

Today I pray for the patience to listen to views that differ from my own, for the discernment to find the truth amid the churning news cycle, and for a constant focus on love for and service to my brothers and sisters.


Day 49: Saturday, October 24

Today I pray for the safety of firefighters, paramedics, EMTs, and other first responders protecting lives across the country. I pray that You hold them in the palm of Your hand.

Option to Take Action:

If you have voted, you can track your ballot. Click or copy:

Week Eight

Day 50: Sunday, October 25

Today I pray for families who are struggling due to the pandemic. Please help them connect with the resources they need to retain shelter, provide food, find employment, and maintain good health.

Day 51: Monday, October 26

God of grace and mercy, I pray for those who suffer detention and imprisonment. Please comfort them and give them strength as they strive to nurture hope for the future.

Day 52: Tuesday, October 27

Today I pray that the dignity of my brothers and sisters is affirmed through love that sews together deep divisions.


Day 53: Wednesday, October 28

Creator Lord, I pray that you continue to protect essential workers from the risks they face on the job. I pray that I show my gratitude and appreciation for all they sacrifice to help us in our daily lives.

Day 54: Thursday, October 29

Today I pray to remind myself that, although the world heaves and churns around me, my daily worries and insecurities are fleeting, and that You hold me in the palm of Your hand.

Day 55: Friday, October 30

All-giving Lord, help me to love my brothers and sisters as You do, seeing each one as a unique individual and not merely a particular race, political party, creed, or gender.

Day 56: Saturday, October 31

Today I pray that children may enjoy their childhood. Shelter them from worries too heavy for them to bear. Instead of a scary world, reveal a happy one to them. Fill them with friendship and freedom to play joyfully.


Option to Take Action:

Take Action by sharing these Election Protection Hotlines:
866 OUR VOTE; 888 VE Y VOTA (Spanish/English); 888 API VOTE (Asian Pacific Languages/ English); 844 YALLA US (Arabic/English).

Week Nine


Day 57: Sunday, November 1

ALL SAINTS’ DAY - I pray that any anxiety, stress or fear I may be feeling be overshadowed by the peace and trust You convey onto us through Your loving presence in our lives.

Day 58: Monday, November 2

ALL SOULS’ DAY - Unifying God, I pray that I may respond in love to the stress, anger and indifference that I encounter among family, friends and colleagues, wherever they are - at home, virtually, and in public spaces.

Day 59: Tuesday, November 3

ELECTION DAY (U.S.) - May today be Day One of a new unity in the U.S., with former divisions freshly healed by humility, wisdom, charity, grace and forgiveness.

Day 60: Wednesday, November 4

God of reconciliation, settle my heart and the hearts of my brothers and sisters as we find ways to be respectful to one another in a time of such uncertainty in our nation.

Day 61: Thursday, November 5

Enlighten all of us so that we may be different together. I pray for those who do not see people of color as equal. May all of us be open to treat one another in a dignified and respectful manner.

Day 62: Friday, November 6

God of healing, strengthen my spirit with patience and serenity so that I may reach out to others across the political spectrum who may feel unheard or neglected.

Day 63: Saturday, November 7 

Today I pray for a unified country where democracy reigns, and our founding principles and values have shared meaning, are practiced and respected.


We encourage you to join in prayer each day this week at 12 noon (local time) as we pray for a unified nation:

Healer of our every ill, breathe in and among all of us who dwell in this land. Sooth our wounds. Calm our fears. Mend our divisions. Hope of all tomorrows, open our deaf ears and fill us with compassion. Tender our hearts. Inspire creative ideas to address the cries of our sisters, brothers and Earth itself. Send forth your Spirit of Love and Unity. Transform pointed fingers of blame into hands open in reverence to receive one another. Fan into flame the gift of our founding and let us be known again as a people united for the goodness, justice and peace of all people forever. Amen. ~ Pat Bergen, CSJ • Congregation of St. Joseph

Week Ten

Day 64: Sunday, November 8

Gracious God, I pray for a united nation. Guide me to see beyond partisan politics; inspire me to see in others how we are alike, and not focus on how we differ.

Day 65: Monday, November 9

I pray on this day for our fragile Earth. Guide me to respect Your creation and remind me that it is my duty to protect all the life, plants, and resources that You have given us.

Day 66: Tuesday, November 10

Lord of justice, I pray for our judicial system and lawmakers—that justice for all, tempered by mercy and compassion, will guide our nation. I pray that our judges will seek Your wisdom.


Day 67: Wednesday, November 11

Today I pray for veterans and all men and women who are currently serving our country.  I pray You bless them, keep them safe and guide us to provide the services they need.   

Day 68: Thursday, November 12

Merciful God, I pray for strength and courage for all who care for the sick and tend to those who are suffering from COVID-19.  Protect them and give them hope. Please do away with all the suffering.

Day 69: Friday, November 13

I pray on this day for wisdom for our government leaders. I pray that they will work collectively to mend divisions and promote peace and unity in our country.

Day 70: Saturday, November 14

Sustaining God, I pray for my brothers and sisters around the world impacted by poverty and marginalized by their governments.  May all who enjoy prosperity share their good fortune and advocate for justice.


Option to Take Action:

The pandemic has exposed systemic inequality and worsened disparities for those struggling to pay bills and stay healthy. Ask Congress to act:

Week Eleven


Day 71: Sunday, November 15

Healing Lord, I pray for the ability to look past my differences with the people I care about. I ask for the gift of mending broken relationships. Help me to be a unifier, not a divider.

Day 72: Monday, November 16

Today I pray that I may find hope in the midst of uncertainty. Let anxiety transform into peace in the waiting, knowing You will care for us all. Renew my strength when it is time to act.

Day 73: Tuesday, November 17

God of wisdom, enable me to speak wisely through social media. May my posts and comments always recognize the dignity in each of us and serve to bring people together, rather than tear them apart.

Day 74: Wednesday, November 18

Today I pray for first responders, essential workers, and caregivers of the elderly, the disabled, and the young. May they find refreshment in Your unending care for them all.

Day 75: Thursday, November 19

All-knowing Lord, I pray for discernment. Help me turn away from media that incites me to anger, fear, and disdain my brothers and sisters. Aid me in choosing pastimes that fill my heart with love for the dear neighbor.


Day 76: Friday, November 20

Today I pray that You reveal ways in which I may care for those experiencing homelessness. Help me take the next step and act on what I learn.

Day 77: Saturday, November 21

God of patience and mercy, I pray to follow Your example better with each day. Please help me to listen with an open heart, and to exert myself to build community and diminish disunity.


Option to Take Action:

Urge Congress to make climate action that creates jobs and builds healthy communities a top priority:

Week Twelve

Day 78: Sunday, November 22

Today I pray for my brothers and sisters who are forced to leave their homes due to political strife, natural disasters, and economic straits. May they find peace and happiness in a better situation.

Day 79: Monday, November 23

God of inclusive love, I pray for compassion for all who suffer and are separated due to conditions out of their control. Guide me to something I can do now to help my sisters and brothers.

Day 80: Tuesday, November 24

Today I pray that I may authentically unite people by doing the inner work required to name and eradicate any racism that dwells within me.


Day 81: Wednesday, November 25

God of justice and compassion, let us seek You out at our borders where You dwell as a migrant seeking refuge, and let You in.

Day 82: Thursday, November 26

THANKSGIVING – Today I give thanks to You for my family, friends, health, home and Your abundant blessings. Show me how I can help all people to share in these blessings.

Day 83: Friday, November 27

God of creation, teach me ways I can care for our common home. Influence me to act in ways to aid people who are vulnerable to pollution, drought, flood, fire, famine and forced migration.


Day 84: Saturday, November 28

Today I pray for courage to act for inclusivity over division and separation wherever it may be. I ask for Your wisdom to provide the words and encouragement to soften hearts for this cause.


Option to Take Action:

Take action by telling President - Elect Biden to urge Congress to pass the For the People Act (HR 1) as a top priority:

Week Thirteen


Day 85: Sunday, November 29

Today I pray that quality healthcare be affordable, equitable and treated as a fundamental human right.

Day 86: Monday, November 30

Protector God, I pray for all who promote peace and nonviolence in our nation and around the world.  May they be respected and safeguarded.  I pray You guide us toward peaceful resolutions.

Day 87: Tuesday, December 1

Today I pray for business owners who have been impacted by the pandemic. Give them the fortitude to continue striving for recovery and the ability to support their valued employees.

Day 88: Wednesday, December 2

Today I pray for all who have sacrificed their lives to stand up for justice and speak truth to power.  May we be empowered by their commitment and perseverance to protect the dignity of others. 

Day 89: Thursday, December 3

Gentle God, embrace this nation with Your gentleness and love so we may in turn share this peace with our brothers and sisters in need of love and support. 

Day 90: Friday, December 4

Today I pray that I remember that, in being aware and careful of my consumerism practices, I am caring for our earth's finite resources and future generations’ subsistence.

Day 91: Saturday, December 5

God of justice, bring courage and hope to those who are marginalized by institutionalized racism.  Guide the hearts and minds of leaders to do away with oppressive laws and policies.     

Option to Take Action:

In the coming weeks, protect our planet and take a stand against consumerism by opting out of buying unnecessary things. Instead, reach out to friends and family.

Week Fourteen

Day 92: Sunday, December 6

Today I pray for our nation to transcend its divisions and move towards healing and unity.  I especially pray for open and respectful dialogue among my family and friends.   

Day 93: Monday, December 7

Merciful God, I pray for all who are sick with COVID-19 and those who mourn the loss of their loved ones. I pray they overcome the illness and that You comfort their loved ones.

Day 94: Tuesday, December 8

Ever-giving God, I pray to ignite the spirit of the season within my heart. Help me not to become distracted by worldly concerns, but instead to live out your commandment to love the dear neighbor as myself.


Day 95: Wednesday, December 9

Today I pray for those who have become unemployed and are struggling to feed their families and keep their homes. Guide government officials to provide much-needed assistance in this time of hardship.


Day 96: Thursday, December 10

Human Rights Day ~ Faithful God, I pray for world leaders to protect the human rights of their people. I ask that people be respected and given the ability to speak out and stand up for their liberties.

Day 97: Friday, December 11

Today I pray for my brothers and sisters experiencing homelessness and struggling to keep safe from COVID-19. I pray for a comprehensive resolution to the many causes of homelessness.

Day 98: Saturday, December 12

Compassionate God, I pray for an end to inhumane detention of migrants seeking asylum. Enlighten government leaders to release these people and allow them to exercise their international right to apply for asylum. 


Option to Take Action:

Support vulnerable populations during the COVID-19 pandemic. Click or copy:

Week Fifteen


Day 99: Sunday, December 13

Today I pray for Your wise words to heal relationships bruised by political division. Alert me to opportunities for reconciliation. Lead us to civil, safe dialogue that holds no grudges and seeks the common good.

Day 100: Monday, December 14

Loving God, renew each of us who are sick, addicted, exhausted, migrating, lonely, polluted, homeless, hungry, jobless, racist, violent and vengeful. Guide me to be Your loving presence to anyone in need of restoration.

Option to Take Action:

Take action to protect our most vulnerable sisters in Native communities. Click or copy:

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