Week One
Day 1: Tuesday, May 15
God, fill our elected officials with wisdom so that they find ways to move forward with nuclear agreements that prevent further conflict among countries.
Day 2: Wednesday, May 16
God of love, we pray that our immigrant community be protected from additional deportations, family separation, and dangerous detention of innocent families.
Day 3: Thursday, May 17
Today we pray that elected officials take an active role to prevent further dismantling of our nation’s environmental protections. Help us to be good stewards of our clean air and water for today and future generations.
Day 4: Friday, May 18
We pray that programs which provide basic needs for our low-income communities - such as food, healthcare and housing - not be cut or restricted by ill-informed legislation.
Day 5: Saturday, May 19
We pray to be open to listening, learning and understanding each others' opinions, viewpoints and attitudes.
Option to Take Action:
Ask your Representative to Support HR 4796, HR 3440 and moving legislation forward to protect Dreamers. Click on or enter this address to take action: http://bit.ly/100dopACTION01
Week Two
Day 6: Sunday, May 20
Today, we pray for God’s grace to move us all to embrace unity and to have a conviction for the common good.
Day 7: Monday, May 21
God of love, we pray for all caregivers. Let their dedication to assist people in need be recognized and justly compensated.
Day 8: Tuesday, May 22
Today we pray for those suffering from the violence of poverty. We ask for the grace to share the abundance in our world with those who live in scarcity.
Day 9: Wednesday, May 23
God of hope, instill in us solidarity with the earth. Grant us wisdom
and determination to protect our “common home” to benefit people today and our descendants.
Day 10: Thursday, May 24
We pray for the men and women whose human dignity is being shattered through deception, intimidation or confinement. God, give them strength and courage to find a way through their circumstances.
Day 11: Friday, May 25
Today, we pray for the children who live in fear that their parents may be taken away from them. God of peace, restore their sense of safety, well-being and calm.
Day 12: Saturday, May 26
Today we pray for peace. God, enable us to recognize the pain and suffering of others and work together to bring an end the continuous violence in our communities, nation and world.
Option to Take Action:
Learn how your elected officials voted in 2017.
Click on or enter this address to take action: http://bit.ly/100dopACTION02
Week Three
Day 13: Sunday, May 27
Today, we pray for those whose lives have been shaken by tragedy due to gun violence. God embrace them with peace and strength that they feel loved and protected.
Day 14: Monday, May 28
MEMORIAL DAY - We pray for all of our faithfully departed who gave their lives in service to others. God, remember their families with your loving embrace.
Day 15: Tuesday, May 29
Today we pray that political leaders recognize that global warming is a moral issue that needs to be addressed.
Day 16: Wednesday, May 30
God of hope and mercy, compel elected and immigration officials to not force the separation of children from their parents when immigrants seek safety and security in the U.S.
Day 17: Thursday, May 31
God of comfort, when our sisters and brothers are threatened by natural disasters, surround them with your peace and hope. Give strength to those who work to rescue and rebuild in disaster areas.
Day 18: Friday, June 1
Today we pray for God’s grace to enlighten those who act in their own self-interest without regard for their community’s well-being.
Day 19: Saturday, June 2
Today we pray for peace and wisdom, strength and determination so that we may choose nonviolent language and actions toward others in our lives.
Option to Take Action:
See the impact you are having on the planet - our “Common Home!”
Click on or enter this address to take action: http://bit.ly/100dopACTION03
Week Four
Day 20: Sunday, June 3
Today we pray for workers around the world who refuse to welcome the stranger and blame others for losing their jobs and wages. Enlighten them to see that we can be a better world living as one community.
Day 21: Monday, June 4
Today we pray for countries whose support services and social programs are not as robust as other countries. Help nations that face increasing difficulties keeping up with worldwide innovation and globalization.
Day 22: Tuesday, June 5
God of love and understanding, touch the hearts of those in our communities who promote anger, separation and “us vs them”
tactics to promote an agenda. Show them that unity is the best way to help each other.
Day 23: Wednesday, June 6
Compassionate God, we know that you love all of your people. Help us to change conditions that cause ignorance, poverty, suffering and oppression.
Day 24: Thursday, June 7
Today we pray to break down barriers that label people or put them in categories that make them anything less. God, open our eyes to see our brothers and sisters as your children.
Day 25: Friday, June 8
God, we ask for your help so that all nations enjoy health, safety and prosperity. Guide us to actions that lift up all nations so that violence and desperate migration come to an end.
Day 26: Saturday, June 9
God, influence our citizens and law makers to create and support smart and compassionate immigration reform in the U.S. Let it be fair and just and reflect the reality of the needs of all our brothers and sisters.
Option to Take Action:
Take action to keep immigrant children and families together.
Click on or enter this address to take action: http://bit.ly/100dopACTION04
Week Five
Day 27: Sunday, June 10
Today, we pray that national leaders work together to create international trade that benefits all and strengthens bonds between countries.
Day 28: Monday, June 11
God of compassion, inspire the people of Israel and Palestine to find a path for peace and understanding. Surround them with tolerance and goodwill so that they can work toward compromise.
Day 29, Tuesday, June 12
Today we pray that elected leaders be accountable to their constituents by reducing greenhouse gas emissions that threaten our health and “common home.” Help them work together against any obstacles toward progress.
Day 30: Wednesday, June 13
God of hope, guide business, community leaders, and elected officials to address the lack of affordable housing that leads to homelessness in our communities. Help them place needs of people over their personal gains.
Day 31: Thursday, June 14
Today we pray that You instill in us a sense of community that leads us to embrace and celebrate diversity in our nation and around the world.
Day 32: Friday, June 15
We pray that legislators work together to pass a Farm Bill that supports families in need and expands anti-hunger programs that protect food security for our vulnerable communities.
Day 33: Saturday, June 16
God of grace, safeguard parents and children coming to our borders who are fleeing their countries of origin in fear for their lives. Help our immigration system to acknowledge their needs for protection and safety.
Option to Take Action:
Commit to making a difference by refusing to use single-use plastic items. Watch “Beat the Plastic Pollution: If You Can’t Reuse It, Refuse It.”
Click on or enter this address to take action: http://bit.ly/100dopACTION05
Week Six
Day 34: Sunday, June 17
FATHERS’ DAY – Heavenly God, we pray with gratitude for fathers around the world who are steadfastly present to their families. Help them to provide for and to guide their loved ones in ways that honor you.
Day 35: Monday, June 18
Today we pray that the recently started World Cup event inspires nations toward solidarity and peace. We also pray that, in the shadow of large sporting events, people are protected from trafficking and exploitation.
Day 36: Tuesday, June 19
We remember in prayer those who struggle to find enough to eat. God, you have given us all we need. Guide us to alleviate conditions in all nations that prevent people from having clean water and nutrition.
Day 37: Wednesday, June 20
WORLD REFUGEE DAY - God of hope, guide and protect the 65.3 million refugees who have been forcibly displaced from their countries around the world.
Day 38: Thursday, June 21
As we enter summer, we pray for those at risk from extreme weather. Keep temperatures cool, winds mild, and water available – but without flooding. Protect us while we strive to care for our common home and one another.
Day 39: Friday, June 22
We pray that global migrants are welcomed with dignity in new lands as they seek relief from intolerable conditions. Help citizens reject reactions of anger and find a voice of wisdom and compassion that they can act on.
Day 40: Saturday, June 23
God, lift up our businesses and industries so that people may thrive and prosper, but grant us wisdom to recognize and respond when economic engines become idols that harm and separate us from one another.
Option to Take Action: Urge your representative to support the Water Act. Click on or enter this address to take action: http://bit.ly/100dopACTION06
Week Seven
Day 41: Sunday, June 24
Today we pray that political pressure does not infiltrate the judicial process that decides on the fate of immigrants seeking asylum.
Day 42: Monday, June 25
God of compassion, inspire us to collaborate with those who make this a more peaceful world.
Day 43: Tuesday, June 26
Today we pray for the 10,000+ migrant children who have been separated from their parents seeking safety from violence in Central America. Watch over children who now find themselves under U.S. government custody.
Day 44: Wednesday, June 27
Today we pray for opportunities to unite with one another. Help us to find wholeness by listening instead of arguing, by sharing instead of withholding, and by acting to benefit another before benefiting ourselves.
Day 45: Thursday, June 28
God of grace and peace, touch our hearts so that we continue to welcome and support our refugee sisters and brothers around the world.
Day 46: Friday, June 29
Today, we pray that legislators work together to provide clean and affordable drinking water for generations to come.
Day 47: Saturday, June 30
God of love, we ask you to transform the hearts of those who oppress the vulnerable in our midst.
Option to Take Action: Take action to protect workers on temporary visa programs from being exploited.
Click on or enter this address to take action: http://bit.ly/100dopACTION07
Week Eight
Day 48: Sunday, July 1
Today we pray for our posterity. Help us to be good stewards of what we have, to benefit the people that will follow us. Help us to work together to ensure peace, prosperity and a healthy environment for those not yet born.
Day 49: Monday, July 2
God of love, help us to recognize that all people are created equal. Enable us to recognize your presence in each of us and inspire us to provide for those in need with food and drink, clothing and shelter, care and compassion.
Day 50: Tuesday, July 3
Creator God, you endow us with unalienable rights including life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. We ask you for wisdom so that
claiming these rights only draws us closer to you and to one another.
Day 51: Wednesday, July 4
INDEPENDENCE DAY - Today we pray for a united and compassionate nation and world. Enable us to respond in love to those with whom we disagree. Protect us from forces that divide and separate.
Day 52: Thursday, July 5
We pray for the protection and reunification of families who have been separated against their will. God, lead us to solve all injustices that keep us apart.
Day 53: Friday, July 6
Today we pray that government leaders and their supporters rise above rhetoric that diminishes the ability to work for the common good.
Day 54: Saturday, July 7
All-knowing God, watch over those who are trafficked and exploited. Turn victimizers from their sins and rescue victims from their oppression. Bring justice, comfort and forgiveness to those who suffer at the hands of another.
Option to Take Action:
Take action to reunite immigrant families separated at the border. Click on or enter this address to take action: http://bit.ly/100dopACTION08
Week Nine
Day 55: Sunday, July 8
Thank you God for this day of rest. We honor it with joyful gratitude for your grace and blessings. Help us to share this joy with one another.
Day 56: Monday, July 9
God of abundance, you give us all we need. Grand us wisdom so all may have what they need: a job, health care, food and water, shelter, safety and love.
Day 57: Tuesday, July 10
Today we pray for the millions of migrants and refugees around the world who are fleeing danger and poverty. Help us to welcome the stranger like beloved family in need.
Day 58: Wednesday, July 11
Creator God, enable us to be excellent stewards of what you have provided; to care for our common home as though the lives of people today, and decades from now, depend on us. May we gracefully overcome obstacles to this care.
Day 59: Thursday, July 12
Loving God, remind us - the abused, the lonely, the over-worked, the trafficked, the oppressed - that you are by our side. May you be known through each of us.
Day 60: Friday, July 13
Today we pray for freedom from habits that are not good for ourselves or others. Give us strength to break free from our addictions such as substances, screens, plastics and poisons.
Day 61: Saturday, July 14
Today we pray to recognize the world as you do, God. Help us to share your abundant blessings and recognize that we are in this life together, not separately.
Option to Take Action: Take action by advocating on behalf of separated families and ensuring protection for children. Click on or enter this address to take action: http://bit.ly/100dopACTION09
Week Ten
Day 62: Sunday, July 15
God of grace, we pray for all the immigrant families who have been separated or jointly detained under this Administration’s inhumane immigration policies. End their anguish by quickly moving forward with their asylum cases.
Day 63: Monday, July 16
Today we pray for advocates who visit immigrant children in detention centers and accompany them to their immigration proceedings. Embrace these immigrant children with your love as they experience tremendous distress.
Day 64: Tuesday, July 17
Today we pray for volunteers who work tirelessly to provide food, water and other immediate needs to immigrant families seeking
asylum and waiting for weeks in long lines at border crossings in California, Texas and Arizona.
Day 65: Wednesday, July 18
God of mercy, protect the 2,000+ children who have reportedly been separated from their parents while seeking asylum. We pray that government officials continue to work to reunite families and treat them with dignity and respect.
Day 66: Thursday, July 19
God of compassion, we pray for the parents and children who continue to wait on the Hidalgo, Texas bridge for U.S. immigration officials to signal their turn to have their petition for asylum heard. Protect them from the sweltering heat.
Day 67: Friday, July 20
Today we pray for the pro bono attorneys who have volunteered to use their resources, skills and expertise to provide asylum representation to the desolate, detained families that otherwise would have no one to speak on their behalf.
Day 68: Saturday, July 21
Today we pray that government officials fix current U.S. immigration policies, and collaborate with leaders in other countries to address root causes of migration that leave families no choice but to flee their home country for their safety.
Option to Take Action: Urge Secretary Nielsen to stop detaining vulnerable families at the border.
Click on or enter this address to take action: http://bit.ly/100dopACTION10
Week Eleven
Day 69: Sunday, July 22
Merciful God, we pray for all people who are speaking out on injustice in this country and around the world. Provide them with courage that they are not deterred from their calling in speaking truth to power.
Day 70: Monday, July 23
Today we pray in thanksgiving for government officials who are moved to speak out about the actions and policies of this Administration that negatively impact people and seek to devastate our “our common home.”
Day 71: Tuesday, July 24
Today we pray for our sisters and brothers who suffer from extreme heat caused by global warming. Move our governments to action,
especially in the U.S., so we do not suffer the consequences of climate change denial.
Day 72: Wednesday, July 25
God of love, we pray for all those who encounter a homeless person that they may see that person as a brother or sister, mother or father and begin to be involved in changing the conditions that cause homelessness.
Day 73: Thursday, July 26
God of grace, we pray in thanksgiving for the beauty that we see in nature and in each other. May this example that you provide give us courage and hope as we continue to work with others for a just and peaceful world.
Day 74: Friday, July 27
Today we pray for strength for corporate and government workers who are trapped by the need to support their families while having to obey directives that cause them to compromise their values.
Day 75: Saturday, July 28
Today we pray for people taking public stands on behalf of vulnerable communities under attack by the current Administration’s unjust policies. Keep them safe, protected and respected in their acts of public witness.
Option to Take Action:
When you are waiting in a grocery line, start a conversation with the person behind or in front of you. Share views that help build trust in each other.
Week Twelve
Day 76: Sunday, July 29
Today we pray that we can break down barriers built by nationalist rhetoric. God, open the eyes of our heart so we may recognize that each of our brothers and sisters throughout the world are like one another.
Day 77: Monday, July 30
Gracious God, you have given us abundant beauty and resources via the Earth. Help us to be better stewards of this gift through behaviors that slow climate change and pollution.
Day 78: Tuesday, July 31
God, you know all, and can easily recognize the many problems we face simultaneously. Provide us with strength to face injustices happening at the same time, endurance to solve them, and joy to heal our spirits.
Day 79: Wednesday, August 1
Compassionate God, look after each of us who, for any reason, do not have a home. Let us look upon one another with compassion and remove obstacles that prevent people from having a roof over their head.
Day 80: Thursday, August 2
Today we pray for migrants throughout the world. There have never been this many, but we know that You know each one of them. God we ask that you accompany them to safety and reunite them with their families.
Day 81: Friday, August 3
God, grant us steadfast will power to solve problems that require us to change our behavior. Give us the wisdom to see past actions of convenience and the stamina to go farther in service of what is right
Day 82: Saturday, August 4
Today we pray that examples of past war and conflict may be lessons that are felt deeply so such actions are avoided in the future. Empower us to set aside blame, and to help one another so we may live in peace and prosperity.
Option to Take Action:
Visit The Nature Conservancy’s Action Center. Find multiple ways to defend wildlife and protect lands and waters today. Be a voice for the voiceless. Click on or enter this address to take action: http://bit.ly/100dopACTION11
Week Thirteen
Day 83: Sunday, August 5
Merciful God, we pray that all children from separated immigrant families be reunited with their parents. Grant families resilience and hope as they face challenges in staying safe.
Day 84: Monday, August 6
ANNIVERSARY OF THE BOMBING OF HIROSHIMA - We pray for global support for the Nuclear Ban Treaty. God, we ask for your grace to transform “Our Common Home” into a safe haven for all.
Day 85: Tuesday, August 7
God, we pray for all those affected by current trade policies including workers and farmers who face their futures with uncertainty. Guide policy makers to find solutions that provide them with hope and reassurance.
Day 86: Wednesday, August 8
Compassionate God, lead us away from unkindness, intolerance and violence. Touch our hearts that we turn to opportunities that guide us towards unity and appreciation for one another.
Day 87: Thursday, August 9
ANNIVERSARY OF THE BOMBING OF NAGASAKI - Today we pray that our home, neighborhood, nation and world transform into a refuge of harmony and acceptance for one another.
Day 88: Friday, August 10
God, grant us the wisdom that we may love everyone as our sister and brother and not fear anyone because they look different from us.
Day 89: Saturday, August 11
Today we pray that we begin to look for ways to modify our impact as consumers while taking in consideration our finite natural resources.
Option to Take Action:
Visit the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons and learn about five things you can do to support the Nuclear Ban Treaty.
Click on or enter this address to take action: http://bit.ly/100dopACTION12
Week Fourteen
Day 90: Sunday, August 12
God of compassion, expand and soften our hearts so that we love one another as brothers and sisters in our communities and around the world.
Day 91: Monday, August 13
Mercyful God, may your enduring love help heal the souls of the victims of violence. Embrace their hearts and minds and fill them with hope and courage.
Day 92: Tuesday, August 14
Today we pray for members of our community who find themselves sleeping under bridges, on park benches, in bus stations and in doorways. Let all people be accepted and not turned away when trying to find shelter.
Day 93: Wednesday, August 15
God, grant us the willpower to work together and build strong communities free from discrimination and violence, where everyone thrives and lives in harmony.
Day 94: Thursday, August 16
Today we pray that we take responsibility to protect our “common home” from the devastation of plastic pollution, and that we find ways to clean it and heal it for ourselves and the generations who will follow us.
Day 95: Friday, August 17
God of peace, we ask you to keep safe our native peacemakers who strive to protect our earth. Protect the indigenous people who face discrimination and isolation in their own homeland.
Day 96: Saturday, August 18
Today we pray for an end to Islamophobia, stereotyping and scapegoating. We pray that our Muslim sisters and brothers be welcomed, and surrounded by love and acceptance in our communities and nation.
Option to Take Action
Choose an issue and write a letter to Congress and have it hand-delivered by visiting this link: Click on or enter this address to take action: http://herdonthehill.org/ - OR - http://bit.ly/100dopACTION13
Week Fifteen
Day 97: Sunday, August 19
God, accompany those who are on the move from their original homeland because they feel they have no choice because of poverty and violence. Keep them safe on their journey and let them be received with a welcome.
Day 98: Monday, August 20
God of creation, let us take to our hearts how we care for our common home. We ask for resilience to overcome deniers of real of problems like plastic and carbon pollution. Let us change our habits in ways to help those who follow us.
Day 99: Tuesday, August 21
Today we pray for those who suffer because of violence and disasters. We ask for your help in keeping one another safe from
harm, no matter what the cause. With you, enable us to protect all people under threat and guide them to safety.
Day 100: Wednesday: August 22
God, we ask to see one another through your eyes. Wash away any hint of racism or discrimination that we may carry. Let us share your gift of grace. Thank you for removing barriers toward unity with you and one another.
Option to Take Action:
Urge your Senators and Representative to support the End Racial (And Religious) Profiling Act. Click on or enter this address to take action: