Week One
Day 1: Sunday, September 5
God of peace, I pray for the people of Afghanistan, and the people in Afghanistan. Help them to stay out of harm’s way and to reach a place of safety and security.
Day 2: Monday, September 6
LABOR DAY~ Today I give thanks for the gift and opportunity of work. I pray for all who long for just employment, and that those who are retired will remember that they still make a valuable contribution to our world.
Day 3: Tuesday, September 7
All-giving God, I pray for those whose homes and physical safety have been harmed by Hurricane Ida, by wildfire, and by other natural disasters. May their hearts be filled with hope as they work toward recovery.
Day 4: Wednesday, September 8
Today I pray for leaders of all nations and all communities. May they wisely discern the paths we must take to build peace and mutual respect in our world.
Day 5: Thursday, September 9
Unifying God, today I pray that people of different faiths, of different beliefs, of different cultures, and of different races can see beyond those differences to focus on our shared humanity as Your children.
Day 6: Friday, September 10
Today I pray in thanksgiving for first responders who risk their own lives to help us preserve our own. Protect them as they brave physical harm and spiritual weariness.
Day 7: Saturday, September 11
God of mercy, I pray for all those whose lives were irrevocably changed on 9/11/01. I pray for the repose of the souls of the dead, and for the continued healing of those they left behind.
Option to Take Action:
Urge President Biden to rescind Title 42 and stop putting the physical and mental health of asylum seekers in danger: https://networklobby.org/title42email/
Week Two
Day 8: Sunday, September 12
God of hope, I pray for the repose of the souls of the servicepeople killed in the line of duty in Afghanistan. I pray for the safety of the Afghan people and others who have been unable to return to their homes.
Day 9: Monday, September 13
Today I pray for creative ways of working to protect our world. Help me to take even one small step each day to preserve the health of our oceans, our land, our air, and all the members of creation.
Day 10: Tuesday, September 14
God of mercy, I pray for those who are incarcerated. Let Your spirit of peace and comfort be upon the accused and the wrongly convicted. Help us ensure criminal justice is just.
Day 11: Wednesday, September 15
Today I pray for caregivers and healthcare providers striving to facilitate healing. I pray for their resilience and persistent hope as they look after their patients.
Day 12: Thursday, September 16
Lord of all, today I pray for parents, parent figures, mentors, and all those who nurture and care for our children. May they find strength and inspiration in Your loving example.
Day 13: Friday, September 17
Today I pray for my brothers and sisters who are without permanent shelter. Please guide them to the services they need and help them to stay safe and healthy.
Day 14: Saturday, September 18
God of joy, open my heart to the opportunities and experiences You present to me. Help me to embrace Your world and to love the dear neighbor in everything I do.
Option to Take Action:
Take action by urging Congress to heed dire climate warnings and pass the Build Back Better Agenda: https://bit.ly/100dop160
Week Three
Day 15: Sunday, September 19
Loving God, in these trying times when stress and anxiety too often dictate my reactions, remind me of Your eternal loving guidance and protection for all Your children. Help me feel Your presence in my life.
Day 16: Monday, September 20
Today I pray for all my brothers and sisters who are suffering from the devastating effects of the current climate crisis. Guide us to implement new and sustainable practices that protect our world.
Day 17: Tuesday, September 21
INTERNATIONAL DAY OF PEACE ~ Peaceful God, I pray for peace in our hearts, communities, nation and world. Help me to love others, reconcile with those who think differently, and advocate for a nonviolent way of living.
Day 18: Wednesday, September 22
Today I pray for refugees and migrants in need of courage and hope as they face endless uncertainties and anguish along their journey to a welcoming home.
Day 19: Thursday, September 23
Compassionate God, today I pray for all who have been enslaved or trafficked. I pray, too, that their captors be touched by Your grace and be transformed.
Day 20: Friday, September 24
Today I give thanks for the unseen acts of kindness taking place all over the world. I pray that we may contribute to the promotion of these good acts that too seldom make headlines.
Day 21: Saturday, September 25
Just God, I pray for a reversal of political polarization and culture wars. Call us to abandon the fringes and unite in the middle with dignity. Humble us to engage in conversation for the common good.
Option to Take Action:
Take action by urging your Senators to support the For the People Act (S1): https://faithfuldemocracy.us/take-action/
Week Four
Day 22: Sunday, September 26
God of migrants, I pray for our brothers and sisters who are forced to flee their homes to escape from violence, war, ecological disasters, and abject poverty.
Day 23: Monday, September 27
Today I pray for all those who are living without security, shelter, and refuge from the elements. Protect and guide them; help them know that they are prayed for and loved.
Day 24: Tuesday, September 28
Merciful God, I pray for women and girls who suffer from violence. Guide me to find ways to advocate for women’s rights and ways to empower and protect those who are vulnerable.
Day 25: Wednesday, September 29
Today I pray for the healing of our divided nation. Guide us to be agents of peace and reconciliation, and to see each other as brothers and sisters rather than strangers or foreigners.
Day 26: Thursday, September 30
Creator God, open my eyes to the glory of the trees, flowers, birds, butterflies, immense skies, and all of nature that surrounds me. Guide me to not only appreciate Your creation, but also protect it.
Day 27: Friday, October 1
Today I pray for peace in our world. Touch the hearts of world leaders so they will make decisions that do away with nuclear weapons and allow opportunities for peaceful dialogue.
Day 28: Saturday, October 2
God of justice, guide me to find ways to advocate against systemic racism. Direct me to work with others to break down walls that divide, and to build bridges that unite.
Option to Take Action:
Take action by urging Congress to lift sanctions on Iran that allow for COVID relief to prevent a surge of deaths: https://bit.ly/100dop162
Week Five
Day 29: Sunday, October 3
Loving God, I pray for all those who are homebound. Fill their hearts with hope, and help them to build life-sustaining relationships.
Day 30: Monday, October 4
Today I pray with St. Francis that we may all care for the Creation God has given us to steward. May we strive to preserve the land, sea, and air for the dear neighbor and for generations to come.
Day 31: Tuesday, October 5
Sovereign God, help owners of small businesses as they struggle to hire reliable employees and adjust to supply chain challenges. Resolve these obstacles so businesses can justly help communities to thrive.
Day 32: Wednesday, October 6
Today I pray for open-mindedness as I encounter people whose opinions differ from my own. Help me to be a bridge from my perspective to other points of view.
Day 33: Thursday, October 7
God of miracles, I pray for all those suffering from cancer and other disease. I pray for an end to their pain, for success in their treatments, and for no financial calamities from medical bills.
Day 34: Friday, October 8
Today I pray for those who are underemployed. I pray that they will find work to allow them to meet their obligations and provide security for their families. Protect them from unjust business practices.
Day 35: Saturday, October 9
All-knowing God, I pray for all those starting new jobs, managing new diagnoses, caring for loved ones, and moving to new homes. In these challenging transitions, help them to trust in your loving guidance.
Option to Take Action:
Take action to ensure that all eligible voters can safely and freely vote. Call your Senators to urge them to support the passage of the Freedom to Vote Act (S.2747): 202-224-3121.
Week Six
Day 36: Sunday, October 10
God of all, I pray for migrants and refugees who must flee their home to try to build a new one. May they be welcomed to a place of security and opportunity that allows them to start afresh.
Day 37: Monday, October 11
INDIGENOUS PEOPLE’S DAY ~ Today I pray for all those who have been displaced from their native lands, and I pray for forgiveness for those who displaced them. Help us to remember we are all Your children.
Day 38: Tuesday, October 12
Creator of all, I pray for parents and guardians striving to raise happy, healthy children in a world filled with anger and fear. Guide them to love unconditionally and show them how to be a compassionate presence.
Day 39: Wednesday, October 13
Today I pray for my brothers and sisters who do not have safe and secure shelter. I pray for their health and safety as the season turns colder. Help me provide for those in need.
Day 40: Thursday, October 14
God of wisdom, I pray for caregivers who work unceasingly to look after patients struggling with physical and mental health challenges. Grant them respite and refresh their spirits.
Day 41: Friday, October 15
Today I pray for those impacted by flood and fire, by hurricane and earthquake. May their hearts be filled with hope as they strive to recover from the damage inflicted by disaster.
Day 42: Saturday, October 16
Ever-loving God, I pray for all those who hunger and do not know where their next meal will come from. May they connect with the right resources to supply the nourishment they need.
Option to Take Action:
Take action by urging all leaders participating in the November UN Climate Change Conference (COP26) to increase their commitments to cutting greenhouse gas emissions: https://thecatholicpetition.org/
Week Seven
Day 43: Sunday, October 17
INTERNATIONAL DAY FOR THE ERADICATION OF POVERTY ~ Loving God, I pray my faith energizes me to advocate for sustainable social programs that lift my brothers and sisters out of poverty.
Day 44: Monday, October 18
Today I pray for the safety of all who work and advocate to protect the freedom of expression in our nation and around the world.
Day 45: Tuesday, October 19
Inclusive God, I pray for women and girls, especially those who are victims of sexual violence. May Senators support legislation that provides crucial protections for women and survivors of domestic violence.
Day 46: Wednesday, October 20
Today I pray that I welcome and embrace people of color. Help me make an effort to reach out to them and learn from their culture and traditions, which so greatly enrich my community and my way of life.
Day 47: Thursday, October 21
Compassionate God, I pray You protect us from wildfires, drought, floods, and violent weather caused by the climate crisis that especially impacts those who live in precarious places without social protections.
Day 48: Friday, October 22
Today I pray for courage and endurance as our nation struggles with economic uncertainties due to the COVID pandemic. Help me not to feel burdened when I’m asked for help or guidance.
Day 49: Saturday, October 23
God of unity, help me keep at the forefront of my mind our interconnectedness, the fact that we are part of the earth and the earth is part of us. Guide me to live sustainably to protect future generations.
Option to Take Action:
Urge your Senators to protect women and reauthorize the Violence Against Women Act: https://bit.ly/100dop163
Week Eight
Day 50: Sunday, October 24
Powerful God, I pray for our brothers and sisters who suffer from systemic racism. I pray you guide me to speak out about the injustices and pain inflicted on them.
Day 51: Monday, October 25
Today I pray for immigrants of color who are discriminated against by our immigration system and deported without an opportunity to exercise their international right to apply for asylum.
Day 52: Tuesday, October 26
Reconciling God, I pray for constructive dialogue between the leaders of our country and other nations to dismantle tensions and lead to peaceful relations.
Day 53: Wednesday, October 27
Today I pray that I continue to take steps to protect Your creation. Lead me to take responsibility as a steward for Your gift of nature and beauty to us.
Day 54: Thursday, October 28
God of justice, I pray for the health of people impacted by contaminated drinking water. Guide government officials to address this urgent crisis that impacts primarily people of color.
Day 55: Friday, October 29
Today I pray for all the indigenous children who suffered abuse, and for their families so violently impacted by pain and grief. I pray for forgiveness for those who wrought so much anguish and suffering.
Day 56: Saturday, October 30
God of hope, I pray for men and women who are incarcerated and away from their families. Give them hope and courage. May they be treated with dignity and be comforted by Your healing love.
Option to Take Action:
Urge your Members of Congress to protect the overall Build Back Better Act, especially the child anti-hunger and anti-poverty provisions: https://bit.ly/100dop164
Week Nine
Day 57: Sunday, October 31
God of joy, I pray for our children and young people. In these challenging times, may their innocence protect them. May they enjoy the simple pleasures of youth.
Day 58: Monday, November 1
ALL SAINTS DAY ~ I give thanks for the community of saints who show me how many ways there are to pray, to follow Your Commandments, and to love the dear neighbor.
Day 59: Tuesday, November 2
ALL SOULS DAY ~ Merciful God, I pray for the repose of the souls of all those who have died. In this life You embraced them with Your tender love; deliver them now from every evil and bid them eternal rest.
Day 60: Wednesday, November 3
Today I pray for all those who have been hurt by gun violence. I pray for the healing of those who mourn lost loved ones, and I pray our legislators will develop a reasonable solution to help keep our communities safe.
Day 61: Thursday, November 4
God of creation, I pray for all those who are impacted by seasonal storms and disasters. Restore them. Guide us to find the political will and daily habits to diminish climate change over time.
Day 62: Friday, November 5
Today I pray for workers who report waste, fraud, abuse, corruption, and dangers to public health and safety perpetrated by their employers. May they continue to work for justice for the wider community.
Day 63: Saturday, November 6
God of wisdom, I pray for educators, administrators, school boards, and parents. May they work together to form our young people into community-oriented individuals, clear thinkers, and capable do-ers.
Option to Take Action:
Tell your Member of Congress to support Build Back Better Act child nutrition investments: https://bit.ly/100dop165
Week Ten
Day 64: Sunday, November 7
God of understanding, I pray for all those who work to improve mental health. May their steadfast efforts provide peace and comfort to those they serve.
Day 65: Monday, November 8
Today I pray for all those who care for people suffering from COVID. Grant them strength and resilience as they work on the front lines of the pandemic.
Day 66: Tuesday, November 9
God of wisdom, I pray for our jurists, our law enforcement personnel, and our elected officials. May they use their power to act justly and mercifully while keeping our communities safe.
Day 67: Wednesday, November 10
Today I pray for all those who suffer the pain of losing a loved one. Bring them Your peace to prevent bitterness, false guilt, and regret from taking root in their hearts.
Day 68: Thursday, November 11
God of mercy, I pray for all those who have served in our armed forces, particularly those who proudly served despite suffering discrimination in their own nation.
Day 69: Friday, November 12
Today I pray for those who serve our brothers and sisters struggling with homelessness. Fill their hearts with hope and their minds with the knowledge of the good they do. Reveal ways I can support them.
Day 70: Saturday, November 13
God almighty, guide me to continue taking action to preserve Your creation, and to make decisions that sustain my good stewardship.
Option to Take Action:
Urge President Biden to recognize the rights of Native nations and Indigenous peoples to protect sacred places. Click or copy: https://bit.ly/100dop169
Week Eleven
Day 71: Sunday, November 14
God of all people, guide me to strive for inclusivity and unity in everything I say and do. I pray that my words and actions will show those around me that we are all Your sons and daughters.
Day 72: Monday, November 15
Today I pray that I will value and appreciate the diversity and varying experiences of all my brothers and sisters. Help me to see beyond our differences and respect the truth of our shared reality as children of God.
Day 73: Tuesday, November 16
Judicious God, I pray for the wisdom to choose words that unify, rather than divide. Guide me in my conversations, my interactions with family, friends, and colleagues, and on social media.
Day 74: Wednesday, November 17
Today I pray for families struggling due to health inequities and other conditions surfaced by the pandemic. May they find the resources and support needed to establish economic security and move toward healing.
Day 75: Thursday, November 18
God of unity, I pray that broken, damaged or strained family relationships be restored to wholeness. Guide me in forgiving wrongs and in asking for forgiveness.
Day 76: Friday, November 19
Today I pray that I will recognize the selfishness in my own actions, even when they are disguised as well-meaning. Help me to put the needs of the dear neighbor before my own.
Day 77: Saturday, November 20
All-knowing God, I pray for discernment as I read, watch, and listen to the news. Help me to see the truth behind reports that may be biased, and help me to speak the truth, even if it is uncomfortable.
Option to Take Action:
Urge President Biden to rescind Title 42, which places asylum seekers in danger. Tell him that expelling migrants seeking asylum at our southern border is unacceptable: https://networklobby.org/title42email/
Week Twelve
Day 78: Sunday, November 21
God of peace, guide my daily actions and expressions to contribute to cultivating peace and unity. Help me to be a bridge builder.
Day 79: Monday, November 22
Today I pray for the perseverance and dedication needed to create an accepting, welcoming, and united community. Aid me in making a positive difference to the people around me.
Day 80: Tuesday, November 23
Sovereign God, I pray for all people in our midst who are unhoused. May they find nourishment, shelter, and support in their communities.
Day 81: Wednesday, November 24
Today I pray for awareness in my daily actions. Guide me to protect our common home rather than prey on it, and to speak up against destruction rather than remain silent.
Day 82: Thursday, November 25
THANKSGIVING ~ Gracious God, help me to share gratefully with others, to advocate for equity among all my brothers and sisters, and to take action for just distribution of your gifts and creation.
Day 83: Friday, November 26
God of justice, help me to remember every day that, without my commitment to action, change is not possible. Guide me to take steps to speak out for justice.
Day 84: Saturday, November 27
God of unity, I pray for my Indigenous brothers and sisters who constantly face discrimination and suppression. May we reform laws to uplift the culture, traditions, and gifts they contribute to our world.
Option to Take Action:
Urge President Biden and Congressional leaders to recognize the traditional, legal, and moral rights of Indigenous Peoples to protect sacred places: redroadtodc.org/actions/take-action-fpic
Week Thirteen
Day 85: Sunday, November 28
FIRST SUNDAY OF ADVENT ~ God of hope, in this season of preparation, help me focus on the coming of the Christ child, rather than the commercial trappings of Christmas. Remind me what true giving is.
Day 86: Monday, November 29
Today I pray for those challenged by chronic illness. Clear paths for them to receive needed care without financial ruin. Help them feel Your presence when their hearts are weary and downcast.
Day 87: Tuesday, November 30
All-knowing God, I pray that our leaders will use their power to serve others, and abandon any desire to profit from their positions. Show them the path to honesty and transparency as they strive for the common good.
Day 88: Wednesday, December 1
Today I pray for openness to listening to others, particularly those whose views differ from my own. Guide me to reconciliation with those who feel alienated.
Day 89: Thursday, December 2
God of all creation, I pray that I will be judicious in my actions this season and always. Help me to make wise purchases that are just, not wasteful, and not harmful to the world You have gifted us.
Day 90: Friday, December 3
Today I pray for purity of faith. Guide me as I strive not to use religion to condemn others, but rather to walk with them as companions, each supporting the other with prayer and understanding.
Day 91: Saturday, December 4
God of hope, inspire me with optimism and ambition to love and aid the dear neighbor. Guide me to abandon our fears and to live with courage and faith.
Option to Take Action:
People in low- and middle-income nations need the COVID vaccine. Add your name to urge increased production of COVID-19 vaccines, treatments and tests worldwide: https://networklobby.org/vaccinepetition
Week Fourteen
Day 92: Sunday, December 5
God of justice, guide government leaders to contribute to equitable distribution of vaccines. Lead them to work with others to enable more countries to produce vaccines domestically.
Day 93: Monday, December 6
Today I pray for wisdom to make amends for past injustices and for the opportunity to build bridges that unite and tear down walls that divide.
Day 94: Tuesday, December 7
Compassionate God, I pray that men and women who are trafficked will soon be freed, and that they will receive the resources to heal emotionally and spiritually.
Day 95: Wednesday, December 8
Today I pray for the opportunity to serve the dear neighbor. Guide me to respond to the critical needs of our times with love and acceptance.
Day 96: Thursday, December 9
God of mercy, I pray migrant families who flee their homes in search of a safe and welcoming place will be treated with respect and dignity. Guide them to a welcoming new home where they can begin anew.
Day 97: Friday, December 10
HUMAN RIGHTS DAY ~ Today I pray You will guide me to remember to treat every person with respect and dignity. Stir our legislators’ hearts to respect people’s rights and work towards the common good.
Day 98: Saturday, December 11
Loving God, inspire me to protect Your creation. I pray that any purchasing decisions I make during the holidays are made with Your creation in mind.
Option to Take Action:
Write a letter to the editor supporting the Build Back Better Plan: https://networklobby.org/bbblettertotheeditor/
Week Fifteen
Day 99: Friday, December 12
Powerful God, I pray you empower legislators to work together to pass laws advancing policies protecting the right to vote and leading to an inclusive democracy.
Day 100: Saturday, December 13
Today I pray that dialogue in our homes and communities will lead to acknowledging the gifts of diversity and acceptance of our dear neighbor.
Option to Take Action:
Learn more about voting rights policies in your state: https://www.rockthevote.org/get-involved/voting-rights/