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100 Days of Prayer (s21): Days 71-77

Begin with the prayer below, then go to the prayer for the day.

God of wisdom and mercy, grant us patience to listen; compassion to be open to other views and opinions; generosity to forgive and grace to change. As you taught us to love our dear neighbor, we pray that you give us strength to be healing instruments of unity and reconciliation.

Day 71: Sunday, November 10

Today I pray for a peaceful transfer of power between U.S. elected leaders following its 2024 general election.

Day 72: Monday, November 11

Veterans’ Day (U.S.) - Today I pray for all people who have encountered war. May they find peace and restoration. I lift up the people of Ukraine and Middle Eastern nations too. May they be blessed with peace, healing, and justice.

Day 73: Tuesday, November 12

Today I pray for undocumented workers who are vital to the U.S. and other economies. May they find a path to legal status in a country that welcomes them as people with dignity and value.

Day 74: Wednesday, November 13

Today I pray that conflicts of interest in relation to U.S. taxpayer money and the court system are met with transparency and justice.

Day 75: Thursday, November 14

Today I pray for the recognition that pro-life is more than pro-birth, and that we collectively care for one another’s health and well-being from womb to tomb.

Day 76: Friday, November 15

Today I pray for recognition of climate change and its influence on people. May we identify our responsibility in caring for our common home and each other in this generation and for others to follow us.

Day 77: Saturday, November 16

Today I pray for unity through understanding of facts and shared reality. May we find empathy for our brothers and sisters rather than treating them as “the other.” May we live and act like there is no “them;” there is only “us.”

Option to Take Action:

Click here urge the EPA to protect people from coal dust pollution.


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