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100 Days of Prayer (s21): Days 29-35

Begin with the prayer below, then go to the prayer for the day.

God of wisdom and mercy, grant us patience to listen; compassion to be open to other views and opinions; generosity to forgive and grace to change. As you taught us to love our dear neighbor, we pray that you give us strength to be healing instruments of unity and reconciliation.

Day 29: Sunday, September 29

Holy Spirit, move within the hearts of nation leaders to seek peace through diplomacy. We lift up Ukraine, the Middle East, and all places in conflict. Illuminate the path to an immediate, just, and peaceful end to war.

Day 30: Monday, September 30

God of love, You empower us to care for your creation - our environment and all living things. Guide us to care for our common home through the reduction of plastics and eliminating other pollutants hazardous to life.

Day 31: Tuesday, October 1

Today I pray that everyone in the U.S. who is eligible to vote can do so with ease. Strengthen our resolve to prevent voter suppression, grant us wisdom to recognize efforts to harm democracy, and boost our confidence in fair elections.

Day 32: Wednesday, October 2

God of compassion, open our eyes to see the stranger at our door. Let us recognize the need of migrant brothers and sisters and offer all help within our power. Let us act from Your abundance rather than our own insecurities.

Day 33: Thursday, October 3

Today I pray for an end to gun violence. Enable me to see those who hurt so deeply that they feel shooting people will alleviate their pain. Guide me to intervene with Your love, while interrupting the acquisition of weapons.

Day 34: Friday, October 4

Creator of the universe, let us celebrate today all that You have made. I welcome the closeness I feel to You in Your creation. Reveal to all of us the best ways to care for the land, sea, air, and everything in it.

Day 35: Saturday, October 5

God of abundance, You provide everything that we need. Enable to us to collectively end extreme poverty by providing affordable housing and ample, nutritious food to anyone who seeks it. Let us reflect Your love in our action.

Option to Take Action:

Click here to urge the Environmental Protection Agency to regulate FSPAs that pollute our

nation’s waters.


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