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100 Days of Prayer (s21): Days 15-21

Begin with the prayer below, then go to the prayer for the day.

God of wisdom and mercy, grant us patience to listen; compassion to be open to other views and opinions; generosity to forgive and grace to change. As you taught us to love our dear neighbor, we pray that you give us strength to be healing instruments of unity and reconciliation.

Day 15: Sunday, September 15

God of creation, I pray for relief from intensifying heat, stronger storms, and withering drought. Help me make modest life changes to weaken climate change. May my efforts prevent climate-driven societal changes like migration.

Day 16: Monday, September 16

Holy Spirit, comfort people who suffer emotionally and mentally and choose to act out with weapons like handguns and rifles. Help us be a compassionate presence to those crying for help, and advocates against gun violence.

Day 17: Tuesday, September 17

Today I pray to love people with whom I disagree with politically. Enable me to listen with love rather than trying to convert another to my viewpoint. May humility and compassion overcome differences, and help us unite in Your love.

Day 18: Wednesday, September 18

God of all people, help me to love like You love, and to recognize Your presence in those I see as different. May my heart be transformed to overcome racism, stereotypes, and the myth of the undeserving poor, including migrant people.

Day 19: Thursday, September 19

God of peace, I ask that You provide a path for leaders to reject war and violence and move toward peace, re-building, and reconciliation.

Day 20: Friday, September 20

Today I pray for elected leaders to have the courage to let go of scoring points for their political party, to unite with fellow lawmakers, and to work toward innovative solutions that solve issues of hunger and homelessness.

Day 21: Saturday, September 21

Holy One, enable me to see Your movement in my life and in the lives of my brothers and sisters. Let this recognition draw us together to offer a hand up for people with immediate needs, and to address long term systemic inequities.

Option to Take Action:

Click here to tell the U.S. Forest Service to protect climate forests.


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