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100 Days of Prayer (s20): Days 78-84

Begin with the prayer below, then go to the prayer for the day.

God of wisdom and mercy, grant us patience to listen; compassion to be open to other views and opinions; generosity to forgive and grace to change. As you taught us to love our dear neighbor, we pray that you give us strength to be healing instruments of unity and reconciliation.

Day 78: Sunday, July 28

Holy Spirit, inspire people in all nations toward international cooperation that rejects violence, subjugation, and exploitation and embraces unity with diversity. Let this rising desire create leaders who pursue the common good.

Day 79: Monday, July 29

Today I pray for our warming world. I pray for the safety of people affected by extreme weather, and I pray for the long term awareness and discipline it will take to reverse the escalating cost of devastation due to climate change.

Day 80: Tuesday, July 30

God, help me to heal unfounded hatred toward those who migrate to new lands. Change the tactics of our politics from using migration as a wedge issue, to bipartisan cooperation to act on human crises that we perpetuate by inaction.

Day 81: Wednesday, July 31

Today I pray for people to see the value of institutions like a healthy and free media, impartial courts, and government careers serving the common good. Provide wisdom so we can keep safe what protects us from the abuse of power.

Day 82: Thursday, August 1

God of abundance, enable us to recognize that You have provided all we need. Let us be good stewards of our resources and prioritize affordability for all people. Help me play a role in food and housing security for everyone

Day 83: Friday, August 2

Today I pray for my brothers and sisters who are forgotten. Enable me to accompany those who are lonely, and to be an aid to those who can use someone in their corner. Inspire me to connect with a person who needs me.

Day 84: Saturday, August 3

Today I pray You heal me from divisive thoughts that tear down others so I can feel better about myself. Free me from judging people and encourage me to welcome them as friends.

Option to Take Action:

Urge Congress to support a FARM Bill that protects vital SNAP benefits. Visit:


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