Begin with the prayer below, then go to the prayer for the day.
God of wisdom and mercy, grant us patience to listen; compassion to be open to other views and opinions; generosity to forgive and grace to change. As you taught us to love our dear neighbor, we pray that you give us strength to be healing instruments of unity and reconciliation.
Day 1: Sunday, September 1
God of Life, we recognize that your plan is for all to live abundantly, free of hunger, violence, and oppression. Give us strength to re-double our efforts for justice so all Creation may live in Your fullness.
Day 2: Monday, September 2
Today, on Labor Day, I pray for all workers who struggle to make a living and feed their families. May they receive the just wages they deserve and be protected by safe working conditions.
Day 3: Tuesday, September 3
We pray for civil and just elections. We pray that voters in the upcoming election be respected regardless of skin color, race, or background. May we do away with prejudice and injustice.
Day 4: Wednesday, September 4
Holy Spirit, I commit to breathing Your breath of life each day. May I treat all I encounter with kindness, gentleness, and understanding.
Day 5: Thursday, September 5
I pray for all unhoused people and those who work tirelessly to provide shelter, treatment, resources, and jobs. May legislators commit monetary resources so that every person may live in dignity and respect.
Day 6: Friday, September 6
Healing One, I pray fervently for humans, animals, and natural resources impacted by the climate crisis. May we act as one to protect Your creation from extreme heat, floods, wildfires, and environmental degradation.
Day 7: Saturday, September 7
Today, I pray for all victims of senseless violence in our streets. I pray that people who struggle with mental health issues and aggressive tendencies receive loving intervention and healing from a supportive community.
Option to Take Action:
Click here to urge Congressional Leaders to strengthen our food system and build a fair and accessible farm safety net.