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100 Days of Prayer (s18): Days 92-98

Begin with the prayer below, then go to the prayer for the day.

God of wisdom and mercy, grant us patience to listen; compassion to be open to other views and opinions; generosity to forgive and grace to change. As you taught us to love our dear neighbor, we pray that you give us strength to be healing instruments of unity and reconciliation.

Day 92: Sunday, December 3

With great care and perseverance may I listen to Your word and encounter You there. Holy Spirit, I ask for comfort, instruction, light, strength, relief and zest for life so that I may aid my brothers and sisters by advocating for a just world.

Day 93: Monday, December 4

As nations continue to talk about climate agreements, I ask for Your help in moving the hearts of nations - both elected leaders and their people - to commit to a path away from fossil fuels and toward clean energy for a sustainable future.

Day 94: Tuesday, December 5

God of grace, guide me to live and work to unite people with You, and with one another.

Day 95: Wednesday, December 6

Today I pray for health care to be accessible and affordable. May God reward medical breakthroughs and ingenuity yet protect those in need of care from financial burdens created by corporate profiteering.

Day 96: Thursday, December 7

Inspired by Mary and Joseph as they sought lodging, may I do my part to ensure that everyone has a place of shelter when they need it. Move our hearts to transform our abundance in ways that provide housing security for all.

Day 97: Friday, December 8

God of provision, I ask You for good habits and stewardship of our earth to grow organic, nutritious food to support the health of our bodies and our land. May this bounty provide food security for those who are hungry.

Day 98: Saturday, December 9

Today I pray that the world may find a state of peace. Set down our weapons and bring us to tables of diplomacy with justice. Empower us to work cooperatively and equitably toward peace, prosperity, health and happiness.

Option to Take Action

Urge Congress to take action on re-introduced bills that will provide green cards to millions of undocumented workers. Help DACA, TPS, and those without status find a path toward citizenship. Please visit:


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