Begin with the prayer below, then go to the prayer for the day.
God of wisdom and mercy, grant us patience to listen; compassion to be open to other views and opinions; generosity to forgive and grace to change. As you taught us to love our dear neighbor, we pray that you give us strength to be healing instruments of unity and reconciliation.
Day 57: Sunday, October 29
God of peace, place Your protection over the people of Israel and Palestine. Clear paths for people to receive needed aid, and create roads for diplomacy among leaders of nations to end the war as soon as possible.
Day 58: Monday, October 30
All-knowing God, carry the weight of the world so that I do not ignore the plights of others as a means of self-preservation. Help me intervene to bring about peace and unity, without fatigue, knowing You are by my side.
Day 59: Tuesday, October 31
Today I pray that people can let go of fear and violence, and celebrate acts that lift people up from poverty, discrimination, and unjust treatment.
Day 60: Wednesday, November 1
Holy Spirit, inspire us to action for a more just world today. Let the saints be our guide. Reveal new ways I may aid my brothers and sisters who confront ignorance, poverty, suffering, and oppression.
Day 61: Thursday, November 2
Eternal One, comfort my brothers and sisters who grieve for their departed loved ones. Fill our hearts with Your love so we may lift each other up on our journey to You.
Day 62: Friday, November 3
Today I pray to change my habits that feed climate change and overburden our Earth. May action today result in easier choices later, for a cleaner and cooler future for my loved ones and people who will follow in generations to come.
Day 63: Saturday, November 4
God with us, open my eyes to see Your face in my brothers and sisters, so that I mayawakentounconsciousbiasesandinstitutionalracism. HelpmeseewhenI create inequitable circumstances for others, and guide me to make things right.
Option to Take Action
Urge Congress to support farmers and a more resilient food system by passing the 2023 Farm Bill.
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