Begin with the prayer below, then go to the prayer for the day.
God of wisdom and mercy, grant us patience to listen; compassion to be open to other views and opinions; generosity to forgive and grace to change. As you taught us to love our dear neighbor, we pray that you give us strength to be healing instruments of unity and reconciliation.
Day 43: Sunday, June 18
Today I pray for patience, wisdom, and compassionate action that brings people together and brings people to You. Lead me away from divisive news and imagining enemies. Enable me to love my neighbor and become a unifier.
Day 44: Monday, June 19
JUNETEENTH - Loving God, give me eyes to see You within everyone. Help me recognize unconscious racial biases within myself. Provide me with courage to act and humility to change my ways to end the oppression of others.
Day 45: Tuesday, June 20
Today I pray for civil discourse. Though I may disagree with my brothers or sisters, enlighten me to articulate my points while always respecting the dignity of all. Guide my responses with love.
Day 46: Wednesday, June 21
On this first day of summer, I ask You to strengthen our resolve to move away from climate change drivers like the burning of fossil fuels. Protect us from drought, heat, floods, and more as we change to prioritize our common home.
Day 47: Thursday, June 22
Today I pray that none of our brothers and sisters are forgotten at our borders. Enable people fleeing poverty and violence to find swift resolutions to move forward in life. Help us to keep families together as we welcome those in need.
Day 48: Friday, June 23
God of justice, thank You for providing all that we need. I ask for Your intervention to prevent profiteering during this time of runaway costs. Let food and other essentials cost what they should and be available for all at just prices.
Day 49: Saturday, June 24
Today I pray for all victims of trafficking for sex, labor, and even being used as political pawns. Grant me the courage to stand up to any situation where people are transported or held against their will.
Option to Take Action
Urge the EPA to protect the health of our communities by enacting proposed
pollution standards.
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